Complaint about Bridlington Hospital 's Kent Ward

Kent Square ,
East Yorkshire
YO16 4RS


To whom it may concern,

In 2006 March/April I was a patient in the Kent ward at Bridlington Hospital ; after having a hip-replacement; being an ex-nurse I am aware of procedures and care.

My reason for not complaining when I came out of hospital was the fact I had complained whilst in hospital but my complaints went un-answered; the complaint would go back to the nurse's station and that was the end of that. Should my complaints and other patients complaints got to management level the hospital may not be in the situation it is now?

What I found was my stay in hospital could have been far better if there had been sufficient staff to cope with the needs of patients;

Medication would always be late; when you are in extreme pain this is just not good enough

When you ring you buzzer for nurse or care attention; you find you have to wait a long time for attention; depending who was on duty at the time; not all staff are lazy; some are diamonds and a credit to there profession; others leave a lot to be desired.

Aged 67 years and having a hip-replacement can leave one at a loss has to getting around and going to the toilet; you need help; when you are bursting to go to toilet waiting is not an option or you can have an accident which then becomes very embarrassing; I noticed some patients having such accidents whilst they waited for toilet?

My bed area was dirty with fluff and dust although cleaners were present?

The food was palatable at meal times but could have been better in most cases; other patients complained about meals been left and patients having to manage to feed themselves; in most cases meals would go cold and the patient would then not want it; they needed help at mealtimes.

On average patients leaving hospital in the time I was in said; they were disappointed and dissatisfied with care it was just not the same; they remarked; what is the point of complaining, nothing ever seems to get done; I firmly believe there is cover-up with hospital staff so that complaints do not reach the top management.

In hospital I felt intimidated, denied of respect and dignity; I would hate to have to go into hospital again given the above circumstances.

I also found that elderly patients did not complain for fear of reprisals or upset meant; a lot were happy to just get better and leave; it should not be like this in hospital; you get better quicker with care and compassion.

My statement is accurate and to the best of my ability true.

I have given Mick Pilling my full authorisation to publish this letter on his Website I sincerely hope others do the same!

Mrs Brenda Jennings
