Lack of Care @ Bridlington Hospital??

Kent Square
West Hill
East Yorkshire
YO16 4RS

Dear Mr. McInnes (Interim) Chief Executive Scarborough NHS Trust


Regarding my complaint of my recent neglect at Bridlington Hospital whilst a patient and the ongoing abuse I have to digest at the hands of some nursing staff I put you on notice that in the event of you not getting in touch with me by 3pm of today's Date 26 February 2007; I would call in the media and the press to expose the scandalous going's on at Bridlington Hospital and the ongoing neglect and abuse that patients like me have to endure due to lack of Nurses on the wards care to the patients is being compromised and safety of patients is being placed at severe risk my story to the Media will highlight serious misgivings and that clearly Management do not care about the welfare of the patients and are placing our lives in difficult circumstances which could be prevented but due to cuts in services patients welfare and safety is being neglected this occurred to me only recently on my last stay at Bridlington Hospital 21 / 22 / 23 February.

You saw fit to take no notice of my request for you to contact me as promised the deadline has now expired and therefore I will release to the media that I am one of many who is neglected and in my case I am abused the hospital is not functioning I have to wait for medication I have to wait for doctors to re-site ventflons that have ceased due to collapsed veins some 2 Hrs 35 mins wait.

The wards are dirty the food is dreadful and it's far worse than a dirty dustbin.

The simple facts relatives do not see how the loved ones have to wait for things like going to the toilet and getting medication on time and quite frankly some of the nurses' approach is unacceptable we are treated like garbage and management turn a blind eye.

The hospital needs closing down as clearly patients are not getting proper care to meet their need high dependency patients and those who are disabled and the elderly need more care time and more assistance however due to lack of qualified staff this goes amiss.

If patients were able bodied and healthy and could look after themselves then staffing levels would not be so bad a problem however all these people are sick and need extra care the mere fact only 3 staff are on a night does not say a lot for patient care when you have a ward of 30 patients some who need more help than others.

I have received many letter s from other family members who also claim their loved ones did not get the care there loved ones needed.

However if your trust believes that you can allow constant abuse on patients and that your trust can cover up these abuse cases of neglect let me now tell you I intend to show the whole community of the worsening crisis at Bridlington Hospital action now needs taking to remove the managers who are not putting patients care first and who are placing patients at severe risk.

Finally yet again I am to remind you that I am not prepared to be abuse by any member of staff in your hospital trust and those that attempt to belittle me will find words that they do not like from me.

Mr Pilling Please call in all the media and press and lets us expose what is going on at the Hospital to save peoples lives and stop them from being placed at risk  Graham Baverstock only a PATIENT last week before I discharge myself because of the neglect I suffered.

Lastly; I do not like being ignored by those who believe they can fob me off and believe I will go away; I will never go away until such time I am treated like a human being and not like an animal.

I have just rang Scarborough Trust and asked if my request that I gave to Amy Peacock of Scarborough Trust asking Mr McInnes to ring me by 3pm; I am now informed by Isy Galavan, Mr McInnes' Secretary that he has not got my message this clearly shows incompetence by the trust and ignorance of the highest level along with contempt this trust has for the people it serves I call upon the current management to resign in the interest of the community and the suspension of senior management without delay.

In my opinion they could not organise a tea party never mind run a hospital and safety of hospital patients must come FIRST.


UPDATE News!! At 415 pm I was on the phone to Scarborough Trust and I told Gilly Collison's Office of my letter I was advised that an email was sent to Isy Galavan's office who is the Secretary  of Mr McInnes so Mr McInnes would contact me I was also informed he was in a meeting but would ring me at 6 45pm no phone call has been made to me this a clear indication of the Trust's Contempt it has for its people and it shows how arrogant and ignorant it is and the amount of excuses it produces to fob people off.

This Trust has no intentions what so ever of being held accountable and it is clear the policy of the trust is to cover up for its staff quite frankly any explanation from this trust is not worth the paper it is written on whilst shortages of staff mean only one point we the ill will suffer neglect whilst the big fat pay guzzlers enjoy their fat salaries at our expenses.

GBaverstock time  6.50pm 26/02/07

Last update 8.58pm 26/02/07

Mr McInnes has failed to contact me at all I am now banned from going in to Scarborough NHS Trust this includes Bridlington Hospital as I feel that I can only access health care should I allow hospital staff and Scarborough NHS Trust to continue to abuse and violate my person which I am not prepared to do, therefore any further medical care is now non existent to me.

