THE SUN - Newspaper, Saturday, 19th July 2003


More than two thirds of hospitals say they are facing cash problems - sparking fears that extra billions for the NHS are being wasted.

A survey showed 71% of hospital had to dip into capital or use "one-off" funds, such as from the sale of property, to make ends meet.

Health chiefs stressed less than 4% of an extra £6.5billion for the NHS this year was being spent on local priorities.

Another 69% of the additional funds is going on wage bills, more staff, higher drug prices & National Insurance & pension contributions.

I my-self, Mick Pilling, (Chairman) "Save Bridlington Hospital" (Campaign) have written several letters to: The Rt. Hon. Mr Tony Blair (Prime Minister) & The Rt. Hon. Dr John Reid MP (Health Minister) requesting a "Cash Investment from Central Government" be put into this deprived area of East Yorkshire to help the Scarborough & Bridlington Hospitals, my 20+ letters have fallen on deaf ears, in 8+ months letters received say the problems with our hospitals are a local issue and nothing to do with Government, what utter rubbish is spoken in Parliament these days.

If money Investment is not forth coming from Government then fears are we can expect more cuts in our services in the near future, you cannot run hospitals on fresh-air.

Mick Pilling, fighting for the future of Bridlington & District Hospital.
