Response for Dr Liam Fox MP on NHS Health Services


Dr. Liam Fox, MP (Woodspring)



Dated 5th November, 2003


Mick Pilling (Chairman) Save Bridlington Hospital Campaign

12, New Pasture Close, Bridlington East Yorkshire YO16 7NT

Dear Mr Pilling,

Thank you very much for your further letter confirming that you have had no reply from either Dr John Reid MP Health Minister or Tony Blair Prime Minister.

It seems that the people of Bridlington & District have been entirely taken for granted by the current government. You are quite right to be campaigning for proper access to health facilities in your area.

The plans put forward by the Conservatives would mean that the hospitals attracting the biggest number of patients would get a larger amount of funding and so local people would effectively be given a much bigger say where resources should be concentrated, rather than faceless planners or bureaucrats.

I have spoken in detail with Greg Knight MP for Bridlington who is fully supportive of your fight to give local people the quality of healthcare they deserve in a system paid for by their own taxes.

Yours sincerely

Signed Dr Liam Fox

This letter above outlines the problems within the NHS Health Service, no one is accountable, but someone should be, lunacy costs life! Cutting Health Services is not an option, we are no a 3rd world country, are we?

Regards Mick Pilling fighting for the Welfare and Healthcare for the people of East Yorkshire
