Withernsea Community Hospital M.I.U. Up-Date! Read-on!

I am asking for Sincerity in Support of this Campaign to boost the flagging NHS within our Hospitals on the East Coast; now affected!

Mick Pilling Chairman; Save/Support Bridlington Hospital Campaign; Established October, 2002 – 12, New Pasture Close, Bridlington East Yorkshire YO16 7NT

Telephone/Facsimile: (01262) 671926 – E-mail: [email protected] – Website: www.savebridlingtonhospital.co.uk

Set-up to fight for people, residents and patients of: Bridlington, Withernsea, East Yorkshire & District

People must rely on: The Human Rights Act – Freedom of Speech!

The Primary Care Trust has no disregard, for the peoples Healthcare & Welfare in the East Riding of Yorkshire Area; the closure of the Withernsea Hospitals Minor Injuries Unit due to staff shortage is not good enough and these points have come from a wide spectrum.

Last year we had the Hornsea Hospital Oct 02 to Nov 02 with problems in its M.I.U. which still continue we are informed?, Then they closed the Bridlington Hospitals M.I.U. for some 8/9 months Oct 02 to July 1st 03, whilst this was closed, they then closed the Alfred Bean Hospitals M.I.U. in 2hrs per night Driffield from January 03 to May 03 the reasons for these closures; it was stated, staffing problems, no lessons were learnt from this because now we have the Withernsea Community Hospital suffering the same scenario, the Withernsea Hospital as been closed since the 17th Oct 03 and remains closed to date; why? NO staff!

The PCT claims it is staffing problems that caused these closures; we firmly believe now it is nothing more than bad management; no contingency plans put in place; with the amount of managers the NHS & P.C.T. has, these hospitals should run like clockwork. Previously in the past blatant lies were told when Trust Officials were asked, had they been advertising for staff, the answer was yes; it was proved that this was all fabrication; no staff had been advertised for, it was revelled that staff had not been advertised for approx 9 months; this caused the Bridlington Hospitals scenario & closure?

The people of East Yorkshire are now asking for accountability of the Primary Care Trust and its officials to be brought to book; this is a Government Organisation paid for by the people reflected in the taxes they have paid for many years. “What has happened to the National Health Service, Services we are being short changed daily by all accounts?

Faceless planners and bureaucrats gobble-up most of the money in made-up jobs, money that is destined to be used on health, healthcare & welfare; it’s high time that management was reduced and the money put into funding our Doctors, Nurses & Auxiliary staff which we need; so the NHS runs Efficiently and Effectively, you only get out what you put in, a stated fact!

You can open Public Houses, Super-markets and host of other organisations for 24 hours but when it comes to people’s healthcare and welfare; which has been paid for in advance the system fails.

Letters and e-mails to the Primary Care Trust have gone unanswered; what more can we expect; if they have difficulty in running hospitals and recruiting staff

Spin and hype are the norm; answers to questions are continually avoided because present scenarios

What has happened to the Code of Conduct for NHS Managers? A selection below!

· To reassure the public that these important decisions are being made against a background of professional standards and accountability

· The public are properly informed

· Managers will be honest and will act with integrity and probity at all times

· “I will seek to ensure that” The best interests of the public and patients are up-held in decision-making.

Ambulance services within these areas are already fully stretched and this has been reflected in previous targets not been meet. How is the ambulance service supposed to meet its targets when various hospital MIU are closed frequently; not only is the ambulance service stretched but its drivers are constantly having to race about to other hospitals because of these closures.

Letters: to various organisations have resulted in support been gathered wholeheartedly, everyone is disgusted by the turn of events within the East Riding area;

People and patients should be allowed access to any NHS hospital facility i.e. Minor Injuries Unit’s at any time and not be deprived of health and healthcare services which they have become accustomed too; surely it must be against all principles laid down by the NHS; to close any facility goes against what the National Services was set for, to help people in need?

Must our Elderly, Frail, Disabled, Patients with Breathing problems, i.e. Asthmatic etc; Children, People in Care etc suffer this upheaval; NO! Lets all fight together for what we believe to be right!!!

We must call for a: Public Inquiry & for Accountability by the Primary Care Trust NOW!! They are been paid a substantial amount of money and letting the very people, resident & patients down they are theoretically to help?

I am asking everyone in the East Riding of Yorkshire and Humberside; to stand-up and be counted; we must fight hard to keep our much needed Health Service up and running for the future of all.

Say No! To Cuts! Make them a thing of the past; we must press hard for changes in the way the Health Service is runs; only by standing together will this work!

I have now written to the following Rt. Hon. Gentlemen to voice my concerns and have this Motion Tabled in Parliament they include the following: Tony Blair PM; Dr John Reid MP; Tim Yeo; John Greenway (Ryedale) MP; Greg Knight MP; Charles Kennedy MP; Michael Howard MP; Dr Liam Fox MP; & Iain Duncan-Smith MP; a host of Councillors throughout the East Riding & Humberside.

Please write to me: Pledge your Support; we must stand together to fight this Travesty Bestowed on the Good People of Yorkshire & Humberside!!!!!!!

Yours truly & sincerely,

Mick Pilling Chairman; Save/Support Bridlington Hospital Campaign
