Mick Pilling Chairman;

Save/Support Bridlington Hospital Campaign; Established October, 2002

12, New Pasture Close, Bridlington East Yorkshire YO16 7NT

Telephone/Facsimile: (01262) 671926 anytime

E-mail: [email protected]


Set-up to fight for people, residents and patients of: Bridlington, East Yorkshire & District

Saturday, 29 November 2003 1:54 PM

For the attention of: Chief Executive: Jayne Barnes CBE TENYAS

Re: R/R/V's We Want Them Back NOW! – All stops are been pulled out!

The statement received; covered none of the points out-lined in the e-mails sent; nor did it answer any of the vital questioned asked; I will therefore ask them once more; please give a detailed account of why these R/R/V's have been withdrawn from our roads and how soon will they be back on our roads fully manned; this is the cry from the people of East Riding of Yorkshire; the people who know how vital these R/R/V's are! I will be calling for a Public Inquiry and Full Accountability of the withdrawal's of the (6) R/R/V's within the East Riding Area & Region and will be asking MP's to Table a Motion in Parliament as soon as possible; belief is that lives could be lost at this time of the year withdrawing these vital services because of cash; saying they are not viable or cost effective, parking these fully equipped cars up goes against what the ambulance service was set for; we fully believe now it is the intention of TENYAS to withdraw the whole 6 R/R Vehicles in the East Yorkshire Area?? This will not! Go down very well; people will be up in arms at these preposterous, senseless decisions; lets hope you can resolve this issue before its too late and your service as received some damming media coverage. The R/R/V's have cost the Tax Payer £250,000 approx for (6); the R/R/V's and they should be kept in service and not moth-balled as you intend to do with them; these despicable, ludicrous decisions should be reversed forthwith. I would be very grateful if you Mrs Jayne Barnes as Chief Executive of TENYAS would provide answers to the many un-answered questions put to you and your staff over the last week; NO! Comment is not good enough!

* Why is money always an issue when lives comes first and are paramount?

* Why will TENYAS not divulge how many lives have been saved?

* Why do TENYAS play down figures of call-outs and play down the number of times these R/R/V's are used?

* Why inform the public that these R/R/V's are not viable or cost effective; we know how many times they have raced through our towns life saving!

* Why have officials of TENYAS declined to make known information of attendances; this should be available to all, unless you have something to hide?

* How do TENYAS warrant withdrawing a service after 10/11 months of immaculate outstanding service by these professionals?

* These Life Saving Machines on Wheels should be re-instated now! For the good of all!

What has happened to the: Code of Conduct for NHS Managers?

1. To reassure the public that these important decisions are being made against a background of professional standards and accountability

2. The public are properly informed

3. Managers will be honest and will act with integrity and probity at all times

4. "I will seek to ensure that" The best interests of the public and patients are up-held in decision-making.

Further more would I be right in saying that the crews at Bridlington and the East Riding of Yorkshire do a 16 hour shift; 7am to 3pm and 3pm to 11pm – 16 hours a day Monday to Sunday; TENYAS stated that the crews were only called out a couple of times last month; a truthful statement would be nearer 3 to 5 times a day on life saving missions; that would be in calculation of between 90 and 120 times a month; a nearer figure wouldn’t you say?

IS IT TRUE; that the Late Night Ambulance Crew as been withdrawn from Scarborough at night? So when they are busy in Scarborough they have to call-on Filey to respond leaving the cover at Bridlington very short? The Media will be checking these stories from Monday 1st December 03

IT IS TRUE; that Bridlington & District have 70% more elderly than most other towns within the region and therefore need the appropriate Ambulance cover to deal with such things as Heart Attacks; Breathing Problems & Life Saving Emergencies.

IT IS TRUE; like all NHS Organisations that TENYAS is top heavy with Management; reduction in management would free money destined for running these R/R/V’s; is it also true that TENYAS is heavily in debt? That’s why they are introducing these ludicrous cuts; “which could severely damage our health”?
IT IS TRUE; that Stress plays a very big part in most life threatening ailments; i.e. Heart Attacks etc so the sooner a person is treated the better chance of survival they have; the R/R/V’s provide such a service and to withdraw them would not only be suicide to some but to others Russian Roulette.

IT IS TRUE; that last year TENYAS failed to meet response times in the East Yorkshire Area; now we hear you are not only withdrawing R/R/V’s but you have also withdrawn late night crews in Scarborough putting other services in peril; what are you playing at? We are now receiving less and less cover in the East Yorkshire Area than at any other time.

A call for a PUBLIC INQUIRY & FULL ACCOUNTABILITY is on the cards; we cannot go on like this; life is been put in danger by the very people we have come to depend on? TENYAS should go back to the drawing board and find out where they have gone wrong; the people who it serves know the problems; but TENYAS will not listen, they know better. First class citizens with a second class Ambulance Service; with a management which thinks money and cost is the bees and ease; it referral to efficiency and none viable as been classed as utter rubbish.

A copy of this correspondence will be sent to: The Rt. Hon Greg Knight MP; the Rt. Hon. David Davis MP; the RT. Hon. Kevin McNamara MP; the Rt. Hon. John Greenway MP; the Rt. Hon. Charles Kennedy MP; Councillors within our region and outside; Media correspondents; Television and Radio also other organisation.

Taking away a Vital Life-line such as Ambulances and Rapid Response Vehicles in the 21st Century is absolute lunacy!

The above questions have been politely asked time without number; we fully believe TENYAS are been obstructive with the truth and will not be accountable for there action? The withdrawing of vital services within our region needs answers; true answers!!!

The Yorkshire Wolds & Coast Primary Care Trust run by no other than: Chief Executive Adrian Smith; should help to fund these R/R/V’s but you’ve guess it they are also strapped for cash and in debt? The Scarborough & North East Area Healthcare Trust is; yes you’ve guessed again; strapped for cash they say £12m but the truth may never be known exactly? So what a state our NHS is at this moment in time?

Where has all the money gone we have paid in for years of work; yes blood, sweat & tears; working for 40/50/60yrs of your life to fund the NHS? Beats me!!

The Save/Support Bridlington Hospital Campaign will be there to see fair play and inform the people of our region what is going on.

I would be very grateful if TENYAS would make a true and accurate statement and stop fobbing off the general public who pay there wages; reflected in the income taxes we pay.

I will fight this campaign to have these services put back for the future of all! Enough of all these lies, deceits and cover-up’s; lets all fight to have the truth out into the open; lets have the much needed Public Inquiries which are needed to whittle out the dead-wood and put these vital services back on the right track.

Yours truly,

Mick Pilling; I would be very grateful for your comments and remarks?

