HULL ROYAL INFIRMARY: Accident & Emergency Department under Stress & Suffering?

As Christmas, the New Year & Winter approaches it puts a stress on Accident & Emergency Dept at Hull Royal Infirmary; the message is use 999 services wisely.

The Hull Royal Infirmary has dealt with 10,000 extra patients this year since the start of 2003 making Hull Royal Infirmary one of the busiest casualty units in Britain treating some 110,000 patients; fears are this could have been as direct result of the closures of various Minor Injuries Units throughout the East Riding area; first we had the Hornsea Cottage Hospital’s reduction in services, then the Alfred Bean Hospital at Driffield was next in line, then we had the Bridlington & District Hospital with its Minor Injuries Closed, then to top it all now we have the Withernsea Community Hospital with its reduction in MIU been closed 12 hours at night; all these closures were blamed on staff shortages and recruitment; is it any wonder the Hull Royal Infirmary has seen a dramatic increase in patient numbers; fears are the Scarborough Hospital’s Accident & Emergency Dept has also seen an increase although at this moment in time has not been clearly stated. Since the beginning of December 2003; 5,800 people have attended A&E compared with 5,350 for same period last year; Hull A&E has had an 8.5% increase in cases. It is no wonder with 4 Minor Injuries Units been affected throughout this year? The figures speak for themselves. Reduce Minor Injuries and you increase the pressures of A& E departments at Hull & Scarborough; someone tell the Trusts?

People and Patients are been urged by East Yorkshire Hospital’s NHS Trust in 2004 not to head for Casualty Departments; if doctors or minor injuries units or pharmacies can treat them; fears are doctors are very busy, fears are most minor injuries are closed at night (fact) and pharmacies are only open at certain times.

Casualty Official; Lesley Sissons of Hull Royal Infirmary said: “The last thing we want to do is stop people or patients coming to A&E with serious conditions and injuries”. During winter, we are busier than at any other time of the year and are asking people to consider visiting the nearest Minor Injuries Unit; unfortunately; most of these are not running at full capacity due to staff shortages so have reduced opening times some by 12 hours at night; Hull & East Yorkshire Hospital’s NHS Trust has links with the four other Primary Care Trust covering East Yorkshire; West Hull; East Hull; Yorkshire Wolds and Coast and East Yorkshire; to raise awareness of the problem. People are also been warned that dialling 999 for an ambulance to deal with a minor complaint could divert Paramedics from Life-saving jobs.

Julie Turner; patient services general manager at Tees East & North Yorkshire Ambulance Service (TENYAS) said; we don’t want to deter anyone with a genuine emergency from calling us. At the moment TENYAS are reviewing the services of the (6) Rapid Response Ambulance Vehicles within the East Riding area/regions these R/R/V’s are Life Saving Machines on Wheels and have made a impressive difference within the rural areas; saving probably many lives. TENYAS have stated these vehicles are not cost effective or viable and are looking at ways of reducing there service; money been the object again and not life! We have requested a statement from Chief Executive: of TENYAS Jayne Barnes CBE but as yet after some months no statement as been issued as to the future of these R/R/V’s; the case is now in the hands of local Members of Parliament: the Rt. Hon. Greg Knight MP who has, we are told arranged meetings with TENYAS in January 2004; other MP’s involved are the Rt. Hon. David Davis MP and others.

Any comments please write to:

Mick Pilling Chairman: Save/Support Bridlington Hospital Campaign. Fighting for the people of: East Riding of Yorkshire for a much improved NHS Service

12, New Pasture Close, Bridlington East Yorkshire YO16 7NT

Telephone: (01262) 671926

Facsimile: (01262) 671926

E-mail: [email protected]

