Save/Support Bridlington Hospital; Supports Ron Wilkinson's Campaign for Defibrillators to be placed in Public Places to Save Life!

Here in this photo we see Ron Wilkinson; Community Paramedic; aged 39; who we sincerely praise for his out-standing work within our community and the life saving work he contributes to our area of the East Riding of Yorkshire; with-out dedicated men such as Ron; a great number of lives would be lost.

The Save/Support Bridlington Hospital Campaigners Support unequivocally the efforts of Ron Wilkinson in his Campaign to have; Life Saving Defibrillators; placed in Public Places; we also hope that many businesses will take part in this Campaign in the future; you can get in touch with the Save/Support Bridlington Hospital Campaigners or Ron Wilkinson direct.

Think of how many lives could be saved if everyone took a helping hand? Experts say; Heart Attack Victims need life saving treatment and equipment within 4 minutes to increase there fight for life and a chance of survival.

Bridlington lost its Rapid Response Vehicle recently when TENYAS decided to give it to Hornsea? So placing Defibrillators in strategic places could be a sound investment for the future; if anyone would care to help please get in touch? “What is a defibrillator”? “The difference between Living & Dying”

Your truly; Mick Pilling Chairman; Save/Support Bridlington Hospital Campaigners

