06/04/2004 The Rt. Hon. Greg Knight MP is on the Case of Health Issues in the East Riding!

Tuesday, 06 April 2004

Please find the enclosed letter for scrutiny; it's to do with the prearranged meeting held by The Rt. Hon. Greg Knight MP and Chief Executive of TENYAS Jayne Barnes .

This letter clearly explains the problems within the Ambulance Service; once again money being the problem and Central Government not releasing the necessary funding in order for these vital services to operate in a responsible and safe manner to give the public what they expect. When all's said and done the money with-held is in fact Tax-payers money paid in over the years.

Mr Knight MP contacted me recently and asked me to put together a list of vital questions which he intended to put to the Chief Executive of TENYAS Jayne Barnes ; he is now waiting for the answers; the above meeting with TENYAS is a direct result of the Save/Support Bridlington Hospital Campaign raising the issue of the Rapid Response Vehicle (First Responder) been with-drawn from Bridlington and given to Hornsea; I believe the people of Bridlington and district are completely fed-up with playing second fiddle to all the health service issues and cuts thrust upon the people within the East Riding of Yorkshire.

Lets all hope that the questions put to TENYAS Chief Executive are resolved and truly accurate answers given?

No more as been heard at present on the crucial staffing situation at the Bridlington Hospital 's Minor Injuries Unit; this issue has also been taken up by: the Rt. Hon. Greg Knight MP!

I fully & firmly believe that our MP the Rt. Hon. Greg Knight is fighting all our Health Services Issues in the East Riding of Yorkshire with all the powers available to him and we wish him well.

Yours truly

Mick Pilling

I believe it is in the interests of the general public
