The Save/Support Bridlington Hospital Campaigners welcome the report about the New Endoscopy Dept which as opened at the Bridlington Hospital; recently, it will mean that a great number of patients will now not have to travel to other hospital within this area. The Campaign Group are also monitoring recent rumors about big changes which are in the process at the moment at Bridlington Hospital? These rumors were very quickly quashed by the Chief Executive of the Trust Ms Alison Guy, based at Scarborough....we intend to monitor all rumors and will in due course take the appropriate action necessary to prevent any un-necessary changes at our hospital and hope the people of Bridlington will support such campaigns; Bridlington hospital is our future....Bridlington hospital is our hospital, we must all fight for it! We must all focus with a positive attitude, to let our hospital be down graded in any way shape or form what so ever, would be giving the Scarborough Trust a free hand, the future of Bridlington hospital could then be in doubt, it's future needs support of the whole town! Certain rumors and fears; which have come to light over the past few weeks have been as follows;
- Changes to the Minor Injuries Dept;
- Reducing night Doctors from two to one;
- Changing staff around un-necessarily;
- Removing all Doctors from Bridlington hospital and taking them all to Scarborough in a re-structuring process, so Scarborough Hospital will run more efficiently thus saving the Trust vast amounts of money, giving no thought to the people of Bridlington who will have travel for treatment & other important procedures.
- 99% of all Ambulances are now directed to Scarborough Hospital; very little if not all patients end up at Scarborough?
- Ambulances in our area are running at full capacity thus putting patient at risk; because our minor injuries only accepts curtain patients with very minor injuries....very, very minor injuries....a revue of the Minor Injuries Department is long over due?
With the above in mind....these fear and rumors were quickly put to the Scarborough Trusts; Chief Executive: Ms Alison Guy, she was quick to point out these rumors and fear were without fact and said there are no plans in the process to do any of the above............ we will now wait and Ms Alison Guy related to Pinocchio??? If any of the above turns out to be true; the Save/Support Bridlington Hospital Campaigners will launch the biggest Campaign to prevent this lunacy, pulling out all the stops!!
Yours truly Mick Pilling. Chairman: Save/Support Bridlington Hospital Campaign.