Car Park Charges Increase by 300% Nothing more than Extortion

12 January 2005
Mr G Baverstock
16 Kent Square
West Hill
YO16 4RS
Tel/Fax 01262 609235

For the attention of:
Chief Executive Ms Alison Guy Scarborough & North East Yorkshire Healthcare NHS Trust

Dear  Mrs Guy

As Chairman of West Hill Residents Association Limited and in my role as Chairman of West Hill  Estate  which is close by to the Bridlington Hospital, I have to raise concerns from my residents and my fellow Directors as to the increase in Hospital Parking Charges.

The resident's from my estate are livid and outraged at the severe increase for Parking Charges at Bridlington Hospital that are going to be implemented this week. Could I bring to your attention that residents on my estate are in a severe poverty area and are not going to be able to pay these charges which are excessive. We the Directors of W.H.R.A Ltd,  met last night for our Annual General Meeting and the feeling amongst my fellow directors was that;  a peaceful protest meeting should be arranged outside Bridlington Hospital  to highlight the savage and unfair rises in: parking charges ...... 50p for one hour...increase to £2.00 an hour is: ....."Disgraceful, Despicable, Disastrous for Pensioners; Patients; Visitors & Disabled! 

This is also the feelings of the: Save/Support Bridlington Hospital Campaigners who have also held a meeting.  Arrangements to be made by  Save/Support Bridlington Hospital Campaigners in due course; Police; Councillors; Press/Media; Television; Radio Stations; Amicus the Union and others to be informed!!  Dates & times published in press in due course!


For the time being I have managed to persuade the fellow directors to err on side of caution and refrain from this option whilst I have had the chance to write to you to air our strong feelings. With the upmost respect Mrs Guy,  no one has consulted anyone to my knowledge certainly I was not aware of these excessive rises in parking charges and more to the point, I was at the start of this process, involved in giving my support for parking charges of a reasonable amount to be implemented and I was led to believe that excessive charging was not going to be introduced.

Could I urge your Trust to reconsider its action on raising the current level of charging to the new proposed charging level in line with inflation? which I am sure will cause severe hardship to my residents, patients and people of Bridlington and rural areas, could I also suggest you give thought to my proposal to allow visitors to attend the hospital during the course of the day to visit patients, say for one hour between 2.30pm and 3. 30PM every day free of charge.

With hindsight we can all make errors but I would strongly urge you to rethink seriously these outrageous charges before you end up with a massive backlash of anger from the general public.  We are aware the Trust is in debt but don't take it out on the patients and public.

Could I also add that the Government would like to see more public transport and less cars on the roads, however living in an area which is rural it is not possible to provide regular alternative transport other than cars at this time until Government sort out the mess regarding public transport and make them accessible for disabled persons then I am afraid we live in a world where we have to the do the best we can, at the moment its using cars.

Mrs Guy  I appeal directly to your Trust either reduce the charging cost now or face the serious consequences that will no doubt follow i. e. peaceful protests on a regular basis..."Freedom of Rights"  The Health Service is free at the point of delivery it does not say you have to be robbed before you get treatment and care.

I hope despite my criticism you have a happy new year.

Yours  sincerely G Baverstock
Chairman of West Hill Resident Association Limited   
Mick Pilling (Chairman) Save/Support Bridlington Hospital Campaign 
