Complaint to the Health Service Ombudsman

For the attention of: Chief Executive Ms Alison Guy
Scarborough & North East Yorkshire Healthcare NHS Trust

It is my intention to complain to the Health Service Ombudsman

Dear Ms Guy  & Colleagues;

Feelings are running very high in Bridlington Ms Guy ( Chief Executive Scarborough & North East Yorkshire Healthcare Trust ), against the latest proposals to increase car-park charges at an extortionate rate of 300%. This excuse, "Green Transport Policy," is inadequate and therefore is a feeble excuse dreamt up by the very people who have increased car-park charges, to get people out of cars and on to buses. What planet do you all come from? 

We live in a very rural area! People and patients arrive at hospital in ambulances and other forms of NHS transport! People and Patients arrive at hospital in cars and other forms of public transport because they have little option:

  1.   They are ill,
  2.   Because they are disabled
  3.   Because they need assistance and are elderly and infirm
  4.   Because they have an appointment with a doctor, specialist or require some for of treatment
  5.   Because they have to attend Minor Injuries Department 
  6.   Because they live in a Rural area and a bus service is not an option
  7.   70% of people living in and around Bridlington are retired (fact) what means of transport do some have?
  8.   Visitors come from far afield to visit patients at extraordinary times when buses are not available
What will happen to people and patients who pay for 1 hour parking and run over there time because Doctors or Specialists are running late, it is not the fault of the patient, who, may I add will have to pay the increase in cost at an extortionate of an extra £2.00, this will no doubt affect moral with nursing staff who will be in the firing line?

I urge you as a sensible person to reconsider these extortionate price increases- most people in Bridlington up to now - 98% are against these charges, you will no doubt fell the backlash in due course.

Just when you had gained the respect of the people of Bridlington, do you undo all the good work? Peaceful protests have not been ruled out - they are to be held on a regular basis, until the Trust re-think there actions against patient, visitors and the general public. 

This will of course encourage Scarborough people to do the same - As a campaign group "The Save/Support Bridlington Hospital Campaign" we will be doing everything within our power to correct this miscarriage of justice.

I will be complaining to:   Health Service Ombudsman, taking this up with Dr John Reid MP Health Minister and other dignitaries The Rt. Hon. Greg Knight MP, all councillors, the radio stations, television & all newspapers

This campaign for car-park charges to be left alone is gathering unprecedented speed!

Yours truly

Mick Pilling (Chairman) Save/Support Bridlington Hospital Campaign
