Confirmed: Yorkshire Wolds & Coast Primary Care Trust £6.25 Million in the RED!

The Yorkshire Wolds & Coast Primary Care Trust today confirmed it was £6.25 Million in the RED! This is a huge deficit and will make a significant difference to this region!

The Save/Support Bridlington Hospital Campaign stated this was the reason for the latest "Revue in Services" which is now affecting 4 Hospitals within our region some months ago,Under Revue: the following hospitals: Macmillan Cancer Care at Bridlington; possible closure of Hornsea Cottage Hospital and implement cut backs at Withernsea & Driffield Hospitals respectively.

The Yorkshire Wolds & Coast Primary Care Trust (PCT) run by; Chief Executive Adrian Smith & Dr Duncan Ross; the Trust's Director of Planning of Performance at the (PCT), have held a review, there findings have not been made public, they do say it could be April 2005? but, we have been informed that (4) hospitals are in line for either closure or cut backs in services; the PCT will not state which hospitals will be affected but the 4 have been selected as part of this review. 

  1. Withernsea Hospital Queen St, Tel: (01964) 533146 - EAR-MARKED FOR REVIEW/CUTS IN SERVICES ETC?
  2. Hornsea Cottage Eastgate Hornsea Tel: (01964) 533146 - EAR-MARKED FOR REVIEW/CUTS POSSIBLE CLOSURE ?
  3. Alfred Bean Hospital Driffield, Tel: (01377) 241124 - EAR-MARKED FOR REVIEW/CUTS IN SERVICES ETC?
  4. Bridlington's Macmillan Wolds Unit Tel: (01262) 423124 - EAR-MARKED FOR REVIEW/CUTS IN SERVICES ETC?
Other news: A new Chief Executive will soon be appointed at the (PCT)  Andy Williams will take over from Adrian Smith very shortly?  Lets hope he can sort out this mess! The PCT have clearly stated in interviews that they do not rule out closures or cut-backs in services; this is nothing more than a cost saving exercise implemented by the PCT and it's board of directors.  These white collar workers should be brought to book, instead they are allowed to cause undue stress to the very people who pay there wages, reflected in there taxes. When are these PCT's going to toe the line, be honest, truthful, and make statements which people understand , all we seem to get and all we have had are:
  • we will make a statement later?
  • we will not be drawn into making comments now?
  • don't put words into my mouth?
  • we will not be pressured into making decisions yet?
  • I'm not prepared to make a statement yet?
  • the review is not completed yet, but, we have had the meeting?
  • of course we know what we are doing, we just don't tell you?
  • we read from a text book to give answers to awkward questions?
  • we apply spin to get you away from the truth!
  • let me get back to you with an answer later?
There are so many Spin sentences used by the PCT and others, I could fill this page!  The Bridlington Macmillan Wolds Unit plays a very big part in Bridlington; helping patients who suffer from this terrible disease! CANCER

The Bridlington Macmillan Wolds Unit is based in the grounds of Bridlington & District Hospital in Bessingby Road, and lays behind the main hospital; It has 15 beds and offers a variety of medical services, including palliative care, wound care clinic and eye assessments.

The six-year-old Unit specialises in caring for people with terminal illnesses, especially Cancer. Last year it admitted 175 patients, all are cared for with compassion and dignity, highly trained and dedicated staff are on hand at all times, families are treated with the utmost compassion with full access to loved ones at all times, they are given the help they need, how can the PCT be so negative and uncaring at this distressing time.

Reviews as we all know are a back door to cut-backs in services - this will not be tolerated, when will the PCT realise, the people of this land pay there Taxes - reflected in the Wages! 

As previously stated,  I Mick Pilling (Chairman) of: Save/Support Bridlington Hospital Campaign: urge everyone to support and get behind our Campaign; sign the Coupons in the Hull Daily Mail and or print them off on our Website; send them in now or send them to me at: Save/Support Bridlington Hospital Campaign Est: 2002 The fight goes on!


If you have a complaint about the Department of Health, its workings or its staff, please write to:

Linda Percival, Head of Customer Service, at the address below.

Linda Percival
Head of Customer Service
Department of Health
Richmond House
79 Whitehall
London SW1A
