East Riding: GP's told to send fewer patients to hospital by debt-ridden Yorkshire Wolds & Coast Primary Care Trust (PCT) the trust want to claw back some of the £6.25m of debt that it has. Doctors are to defy health cut bids! 

The PCT hope that if Doctors toe the line and send fewer patients to hospitals for vital treatment i.e. Xray's, Scans and other forms of treatment,  plus by also cutting down on prescriptions etc it will save some money.

We ask what is the NHS coming deny patients any form of treatment; be it referrals or medication goes against what the NHS was set-up for!

Remember always demand your rights! You have paid your taxes; he who shouts the loudest is always heard!!! The Yorkshire Wolds & Coast Primary Care Trust (PCT) Almost four years and debt grows from £1.1m to £6.25m

April 2001: Yorkshire Wolds & Coast Primary Care Trust (PCT) inherit £1.1m debt from the now-defunct Hull & East Riding Community Health Trust

April 2004: The PCT plan a budget deficit of £3m at the end of the year.  The NHS agrees to lend it the money.

August 2004: The PCT predict it will actually be in £4.2m debt. Again the NHS agree to lend the money.

October 2004: PCT predicts £6.25m overspend. NHS refuses to bail it out. The PCT orders a review into services at 4 community hospitals. Withernsea Hospital , Hornsea Cottage Hospital, Alfred Bean Hospital  and the Macmillan Wolds Unit at Bridlington Hospital .

December 2004:
Notified about Review; sparking widespread fears in East Yorkshire Area

December 2004: Hull Daily Mail launch Hands off our Hospitals & Save/Support Bridlington Hospital campaign launch Campaign!

January 2005: Predicted overspend announced to the PCT Board.

April 2005: The Review into Services at community hospitals is expected to finish.

July 2005: The 3 month consultation process should be completed and decisions made about the future of the 4 hospitals listed above? 

What is there future?  

Terry Cunliffe: Regional Officer of AMICUS the UNION, said, he feared for jobs of 6,000 of its members.  He said: "If the trust decides to cut services then thousands of jobs would be under threat.  He also said; we will oppose any such plans and talk about it all with our members.  I cannot rule out strike action ."

The Department of Health said it was the responsibility of the Strategic Health Authority (SHA) to monitor the (PCT's) Financial Position.  "What is there excuse?"

It will be interesting to hear what excesses can be thrown into the hat as to why the (PCT's) have been allowed to run up such debts?  £6.25m is a figure which should have been spotted long before it was allowed to grow; this is public money?

With the fear of job losses; the fear of reviews at 4 hospitals and the possible closure of Hornsea hospital the people of East Yorkshire are irate to say the least; putting your faith in the NHS today as its worries.

Is it not time for these organizations to drop the word ......"TRUST"! 
