I/We would like this to go on record!

We; The Save/Support Bridlington Hospital Campaign Group; have never or will ever condone violence, hatred, intimidation, harassment, victimization  or in-sight personal accusations against any member of: Scarborough & North East Yorkshire Healthcare NHS Trust or Bridlington & District Hospital staff or work-force; we will distance ourselves from any group or anyone causing such aggression; we ask everyone who supports our campaign to abide by the law and keep your protests peaceful; our group is set-up to see fair-play in the NHS and to over-see the running of Bridlington & District Hospital for the foreseeable future. Any such neglect or willful violent actions will result in your prosecution by the Police or Authorities.  

"It's our Hospital, lets all work together Peacefully"

We; The Save/Support Bridlington Hospital Campaign Group have donated in the past a vast amount of Equipment and also Cash/Cheque Donations; it is not our intention to discredit anyone; all we would like to see is a far better acknowledgement in communications; we believe everyone has been kept in the dark, for far too long. Kindest regards Mick Pilling (Chairman)