Public Meeting Bridlington Town Hall

Public Meeting Bridlington Town Hall by: Save/Support Bridlington Hospital Campaign Group (Report)

In attendance; the Save/Support Bridlington Hospital Campaign Group member who organised the meeting; Councillors Margaret Chadwick & Richard Harrap (Mayor); Chief Executive Ms Allison Guy & members of her staff. Also members of the public.

Turn out was low; but the people who mattered were there in strength; we would like to thank all who made there presence known and put a range of sensible questions forward; I believe low turn-out was due to lack of publicizing? Plus people thought the Car-Park issue was sorted.

Today's Public Meeting was also about the future of Bridlington Hospital and turned out to be very constructive and very informative; with Alison Guy (Chief Executive) of Scarborough NHS Trust giving a Presentation of what as been achieved so far, she gave a very good account of issue and achievements arising from Minor Injuries Unit 24 hrs; staffing problems; Car-parking; Xray equipment; every question was answered as usual; I believe the Trust are trying and succeeding in most quarters; there are staffing problems which will affect certain parts of the Bridlington Hospital for some time to come i. e. Maternity Services! The Car-Park-Charges are now sorted but we expect a review the beginning of 2006 when charges will be under review once more? Which we will be monitoring. On Maternity services; staffing remains a big problem whilst the Lawrence Suite continue to grow and expand with more services; due to a dedicated staff.

Lifts within the hospital; one is now working fine and has been refitted whilst the other will have a re-fit starting next week; we are told CCTV & Security is working fine within the hospital grounds.

The Scarborough NHS Trust also promised to supply up-dates and consultation of news and events with the Media. They said lessons had been learnt.

It is possible we believe, that the £6.25m debt by the Yorkshire Wold & Coast Primary Care Trust could affect Bridlington Hospital in the future; this as not been ruled out by the Scarborough NHS Trust; time will tell in due course. The Scarborough & North East Yorkshire Healthcare NHS Trust confirmed it had a deficit of £1.3m but hoped it would break even by April's tax year 2005

Thank you all for the magnificent meeting and your Attendance

Kindest regards Mick Pilling chairman Save/Support Bridlington Hospital Campaign Group
