I have been campaigning now for the last 3 years for a better Ambulance Service in East Yorkshire and this area; all I have been met with is Text-Book-Jargon!
If I send more than 3 to 4 e-mails to Jane Barnes (TENYAS) asking vital questions; I am told this is construed as harassment, and e-mails are not answered... what a good way of avoiding the questions ?
My Website: www.savebridlingtonhospital.co.uk, covers a vast amount of information regarding the poor Ambulance service in this area; Log-on and take a look?
Also click-on to my: Newsletter click archives read the many stories related to the Ambulance service...we even called: Chief Executive Jayne Barnes of (TENYAS) to a meeting at the Town-Hall Bridlington to discuss this very problem...put to her by Bridlington Town Councillors.
I have have several meetings with The Rt. Hon. Greg Knight MP about this delicate subject.
The removal of the Rapid Response Ambulance Car in Bridlington......" Given to Hornsea" excuse; part of there new program? What utter rubbish! We now only have two Ambulances in Bridlington throughout the day and one at night? a town of 44,000 people...in Summer this increases to up-to 100,000 People, Visitors & Residents.
Many times a day our Ambulances and there dedicated staff are rushing back from Scarborough Hospital a distance of 17 miles (round trip 36 miles) or Hull Royal (Round trip of 80 miles) with Lights-flashing and sirens sounding on very dangerous roads, full of holiday makers, tractors, large wagons and road-works; the ambulance-men have to first wait at Scarborough or Hull until the patient is booked-in! Before re-turning to Bridlington.
Ambulances in Filey are on constant stand-by for Bridlington and have to respond? If Bridlington ambulances are on call, we have to rely on Driffield or Filey which are both many miles away...thus the Response times are not met! (People/Patients could in fact die, and probably have?)
I have taken this up with the many Bridlington Councillors who all support my Campaigning; also Greg Knight MP who as been looking into this for the last two years without much success?
The Ambulance Service are a law un-to themselves! They are not accountable! (FACT) Directors and white collar workers do what they are told or make a statement - No-Comment!
A Statement by the: Save/Support Bridlington Hospital Campaign Group
This is damming evidence; about Ambulance Response Times in this area exposed by the Hull Daily Mail , just what the Save/Support Bridlington Hospital Campaign Group we have been campaigning for some time now; we have been asking for this information about, AMBULANCE RESPONSE TIMES ; when will the Ambulance Service and it Chief Executive: Jayne Barnes of (TENYAS) take note of what the people want and expect from this NHS Service; the very people who pay there wages reflected in there taxes; as we all know and are fully aware; when the going gets tough "the goal-posts are moved or we get No-comment".
Put more Ambulance on the roads...save lives not money!
Mick Pilling (Chairman) Save/Support Bridlington Hospital Campaign |