Problems with Bridlington Hospital's Maternity Services???
A sincere and truthful reply from the Scarborough & North East Yorkshire Healthcare NHS Trust Chief Executive or Management would be very much appreciated.

Kindest regards Mick Pilling

Thursday 9th January 2003 - Bridlington Free Press

For the attention of: Ms Alison Guy (Chief Executive) Gilly Collinson (Communication Manager) Sheena Mason (Secretary to C.E.)

Wednesday 8th January 2003 - Hull Daily Mail

I am just making extensive inquiries regarding the situation with the Maternity Unit Bridlington Hospital ?

I am receiving a large number of enquiries as to its future.....I am aware you have tried to transfer services to Scarborough in the past! Along with; Malton & Whitby?  

Patients who are with child have a right to say where they baby is born?  No babies were born in Bridlington @ Christmas or the New Year...due the Maternity Services been closed at a weekend...this as never been known, before!

Staffing Problems!  Are you still advertising?  What is the latest staffing situation? Closure at 4:30pm Friday until Monday at 08:30am! for the last 9 Months is not very good for an hospital of our status;  When are we back to normal services?

I will be leading another Campaign very shortly to improve these services within the Maternity Unit Bridlington;

Possibly a Peaceful Protest at Bridlington Hospital......In Support of Better Maternity Services!!!  Also a Leaflet Campaign.............The Maternity Services are long over-due up-grading in Bridlington.

I look sincerely to your reply....a.s.a.p.

"Maternity Unit in the Balance", was the head-line in the Bridlington Free Press, 2nd January 2003

The reason, Scarborough Hospital planned to centralize Maternity Services to save money, never mind were you wanted to give birth, the idea was to have Bridlington, Whitby & Malton all on one site?  Yes! another cost saving exercise. This was of course met with anger by expectant mum's but still 90% of births are still carried out at Scarborough Hospital....the excuse is it's better for mother and baby....we have all the facilities here at Scarborough; why are other hospital's not up-dated so that expectant mothers can give birth in the town were they wish to be registered....The Trusts reply...It's not cost effective! The Scarborough NHS Trust's Medical Director: Dr Ian Holland reported that the Trust would save around £500,000 per year if Maternity services were to be centralized?

This latest report states; there is a shortage of midwives ? recruitment has been a flop? surely this is what the Scarborough Trust wants if the previous stories are true!


If there is anyone who has the skills to help us, please get in touch.  The Trust said people wanting to work at Bridlington Hospital had to be experienced, but anyone wanting to join a return-to-practice mid-wifery course would be welcome by Scarborough Hospital.

Thursday 4th September 2003 - Bridlington Free Press