Amicus NHS members in protest at Bridlington Hospital

12 July 2005

Over 100 Amicus members in the NHS and members of the public are planning a protest at Bridlington Hospital on Monday 18 July 2005 to draw attention to the hospital being run-down.

Amicus says that the hospital is not being used to its full potential and that too many patients are being taken to Scarborough Hospital from Bridlington Hospital.

The union says that the Maternity Unit at Bridlington Hospital is in desperate need of an up-grade resulting in the 'running down' of Bridlington Hospital and that junior doctors at Bridlington are being deprived essential training because of the failure to admit all cases.

Amicus says that in the last three months the Chief Executive of Bridlington Hospital declined the offer to set up a fund to raise money to donate a CT scanner to Bridlington Hospital. The union says this is yet more evidence of what it believes is a deliberate policy to downgrade the hospital to community status.

Amicus Regional Officer, Terry Cunliffe, said: 'Bridlington needs a full-time hospital not a part-time one. Our hospital is being deliberately run-down and reduced to a community hospital. Serious cases are being referred directly to Scarborough, more than 18 miles away along a slow coastal road and people are being sent back to Bridlington for long recuperation before discharge, resulting in bed-blocking.

'Amicus wants a fully funded, full-time hospital in Bridlington that can provide a full-range of patient care and secure jobs and better working conditions for staff and a future for the hospital.'

Interview/photo opportunity

Date:  Monday 18 July, 2005
Time:  Midday
Venue: Bridlington Hospital main entrance

Amicus also says a report by the Royal College of Physicians has also highlighted concerns about the 'down-grading' of Bridlington Hospital.

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For further information please call Catherine Bithell in the Amicus press office on 020 7 420 8909 or 07958 473 224.
