For the attention of: The Rt. Hon. Greg Knight MP From: Mick Pilling (Chairman) Save/Support Bridlington Hospital Campaign Group

We have just been informed by local news-reports that: Tees & North East Yorkshire Ambulance Service  TENYAS are reported to be £3m in DEBT? I wrote to Jayne Barnes Chief Executive of TENYAS stating my fears; my requests fall on deaf ears? As I have reported to you recently my concerns about the state of the Ambulance situation in Bridlington....

Not only are our Ambulances in Bridlington not meeting response time by a 20% short-fall...of Government Targets

We now find that they have a DEBT of £3m? This in turn can only be very bad for Bridlington as we only have 2 Ambulances operating daily for a town of 44,000 people with an increase of up-to 100,000 in the Summer?

Only 1 Ambulance operates by night......any further Ambulance assistance is called in from Filey or Driffield which is a considerable distance away?  Including a bad road route Our Rapid Response/First Responder Car was taken away from Bridlington some 2 years ago and never replaced?  A cost Saving Exercise, we were told! This as had a tremendous strain on our remaining Ambulances here in Bridlington...who daily return from Scarborough with there blue lights flashing and siren sounding as they try to meet demand?  This in turn is very bad for the people of Bridlington...how long before someone suffers.  Waiting for an Ambulance when you are ill or in considerable pain can be a very bad experience Now we find that TENYAS with a £3m Debt....what will happen next??

I have been fighting for changes in Bridlington for the last 3 years......

We need a better Ambulance Service not a reduced service!

Kindest regards Mick Pilling....Our group fights on for a better NHS Service for Bridlington 
