Protest Bridlington Hospital; Hailed a Huge Success!

Yesterday's Peaceful Protest held at Bridlington Hospital Main Entrance ; was Hailed as a Huge; Huge Success !

Although protester turn-out numbers were low and did-not exceed 25; it still spoke volumes .

"We still think the Town of Bridlington could have been more Supportive , 2,000 Leaflets and Posters were distributed and the cost of this Protest by our Campaign Group exceeded well over £100.00; Surely our Town needs an Hospital or do we let the Trust have its way and take everything to Scarborough? As they have been trying to do for the past 3+ years".

Is it time for the Save/Support Bridlington Hospital Campaign Group to Disband or will support be forthcoming, we ask!

The Towns Mayor & Councillors apologized for there absence as they attended East Riding of Yorkshire Council Meeting .

Our next Peaceful Protest will take into account the above when arranging future rallies; so maximum turn-out is achieved!

Media coverage was tremendous and the Protest gained Maximum National Coverage; it was covered by: BBC Look-North Television; Yorkshire Television's Calendar, BBC Radio Humberside; Yorkshire Coast Radio; Bridlington Free Press; Hull Daily Mail & AMICUS freelance Reporter/Photographer for there world magazine. Trust Members who Attended

Members of the Scarborough & North East Yorkshire NHS Healthcare Trust were present they included; Dr Ian Holland; Gilly Collinson; Chris Coombs & Bridlington Hospital manager Sue Wellington. 

A Petition with no less than 107 signatures of Mothers ; who have given birth in the Bridlington Maternity Unit was presented by Mrs Stephanie Pratley of Honeysuckle Childcare to Medical Director; Dr Ian Holland of Scarborough Trust; in front of Television reporters marking this event; we also asked for a report in due course as to there findings of the demands made in this Petition; the protest was not without foundation; mothers are very concerned about being given NO! After-care after giving birth and being sent home only a few hours after birth; the Trusts remarks and comments to the above demands were; we can't afford to put staff in the Maternity Unit over-night? Money before mother and baby?

When is the Birthing-Pool to be fitted?

Also Expectant mother been taken to Scarborough Hospital by Ambulance; without choice? Fears are how long before baby is born on route.....we are informed this practice as all ready occurred! Other concerns: The number of patients who are taken to Scarborough Hospital by Ambulance is increasing daily, some 95%; fears are this practice will continue until the Trust get together with TENYAS; we would sincerely like this practice to be investigated A.S.A.P. we have been campaigning this for the last 3+ falls on deaf ears. Other concerns; raised were Bed-blocking; Junior Doctors not receiving adequate training due to lack of patient admittance and the large volume of staff who are leaving Bridlington Hospital; Maternity Service we have just lost at least 5 staff in 3 weeks?

This concludes my report;

Please note!!! Other Peaceful Protests have NOT been ruled out for the future. If no replies to recent events are forth-coming the next protest will be planned and executed  in 3 to 6 months and will take-place! As a group we fight for the future of our town's hospital and for patient quality. We speak from the heart and not the pocket!......

Funding for Bridlington Hospital is Vital!
