From today Thursday, 21st July 2005 The SAVE/SUPPORT BRIDLINGTON HOSPITAL CAMPAIGN GROUP will disband and will no longer be campaigning and fighting for services, staff jobs and a better Ambulance service at Bridlington & District Hospital, the lack of support from the residents of Bridlington has caused the group to hang-up its banners.

Recent Campaigns; a meeting with Trust official at Bridlington Town Hall only 7 people attended, this weeks protest at Bridlington Hospital only 13 people attended, the cost to our group has proved very expensive, the lack of support with the recent Mug campaign cost the group dearly.

The comments recently made by Mrs. Wormwell of PAGER in the Bridlington Free Press leaves a lot to be desired, Mrs. Wormwell likes to sit both sides of the fence this cannot be done, in my experience you are either fighting for one side or the other. Regarding Mr. Baverstock's comments in the Free Press, people in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.

Let us now give the Scarborough & North East Yorkshire Healthcare NHS Trust a free hand to do with services at Bridlington hospital just what they want, the future will tell?

My health as suffered as a result of campaigning and our staff number just 2, our group can hold our heads up high for doing our very best over the last 3+ years for Bridlington hospital and for Saving the Minor Injuries Unit, keeping the now new Lawrence Unit fully up and running, reducing the Car-park charge increase in 2005 and much, much more and for raising vast amounts of money for our hospital and supplying life-saving equipment.

I would now like to say a very big thank you to all the businesses, shops and people within the town who have helped us along the way, who have donated money to enable us to purchase equipment etc and to be able to run our campaign for so long.

We cannot run at full capacity without the support of the people of Bridlington & cannot run a campaign without staff or support?

Our Website will remain up and running for the foreseeable future and will be up-dated on a regular basis with all relevant news; any funding left in our account will be used to keep our Website running.

With sincere regret Mick Pilling

We look forward to a reply from the people who receive this e-mail with there extreme views

Campaigns & Protests most definitely work; they draw massive media attention and support; they let people know what is going on, People Power Works! If everything is out in the open, then you are aware of what is going on.

NHS Trusts & PCT's work by Stealth and back-doors, it's normally too late when plans are passed and the services have been withdrawn; I would remind everyone to be very vigilant. Mick Pilling 

Bridlington Free Press 21/07/05 Letter to the Editor

If all the people of Bridlington gave the same support to the Bridlington Hospital Campaign Group as they have to the marina and regeneration programme we could have a great town.

It is a disgrace when our townsfolk and visitors have to travel to Scarborough for A&E treatment and all major operations.  By having this at Bridlington it would also take a lot of pressure off the workload of staff at Scarborough Hospital.

Our hospital should be included in the town regeneration project. Let us persuade our MP, Council members and all townsfolk to try  to update our hospital. Let us also thank Mick Pilling chairman of the Save/Support Bridlington Hospital Campaign Group, for the work he is doing.

P.E. Smith, Martongate Bridlington

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