Here we have the Save/Support Bridlington Hospital Campaign Group.

On there latest Campaign: Peaceful Protest @ Bridlington Hospital Led by Mick Pilling (Chairman) To Save & Up-grade Services @ the Bridlington Hospital, a good turnout included, 2-Television Stations ITV & BBC, 2 Radio Stations, Press/Media & AMICUS Support! All in all, we got our point home, now it is up the Scarborough NHS Trust to improve services as requested by our group..... across the line.

Mick Pilling Chairman of the group would sincerely like to thank all who took part in July 2005 Power to the People......It's now the way to run the NHS...Not satisfied! Take it to the TRUST!!! Get your point HOME!

As long as the People & Patients of Bridlington & surrounding areas remain, vigilant & alert, the Trust will not be able to use Stealth and the Back-door to down-grade-services or take any to Scarborough as the past plans have been.

Not happy with your NHS Service; make a noise...he who shouts the loudest, gets heard...(Fact)! Maternity Services at Bridlington...have still not had the up-grade?  Why!  Yes money is the problem, too many chief's not enough Indians. 

Mick Pilling...Chairman Save/Support Bridlington Hospital Campaign Group...We have not gone away!
