Bridlington Hospital Visiting Hours CUT!

Mick Pilling (chairman) Save Support Bridlington Hospital Campaign Group Writes:

Here we see ludicrous decision been made without consultation to the general public, the people who count.

These changes will take place from Monday 10 th October 2005

Changing times of visiting from:

Old times; 2.00pm to 8.00pm

To new times; 2.30pm to 4.00pm & 6.30pm to 8.30pm


To keep a check on Bugs such as the Norwalk virus & MRSA, and to give staff and nurses more time on the wards…..what a load of Twaddle!

You will only stop these Bugs & Viruses with first-class hygiene, good management and keeping your house in order.

First of all, it makes no difference to controlling people or visitors, the Bugs are there all the time, good clean hospitals and adequate cleaning will control Bugs; not the movement of visitors.

Patients look forward to seeing loved ones, its all part of getting better and freeing beds, visitors also do a lot to help nurses at meal times such as feeding were necessary, running about for the patient and getting the little things required, thus freeing nurses time.

Scarborough Hospital introduced these new visiting times a while ago, Bridlington hospital been part of the same group get the same treatment?

So, if you go visiting twice a day it will cost you double in parking, no flies on the Scarborough Trust!

People who are working various hours and found the old system good for visiting (hard lines)

How can this be good for patients, we ask? “Sorry Mum, visiting is over I'll come back later if I can, oh and by the way; I'll have to pay twice for parking.

Any concessions for this new introduction in visiting hours; if visitors have to pay twice

People on low income will not be able to pay these prices; pensioners will not be able to afford getting a bus twice if the problem arises.

If the Hospital Trust are trying to control Bugs & Viruses? Then having two lots of visiting times will be going against what the Trust is trying to achieve, the control of people to cut down the spreading of these deadly bugs?

I would like to hear your views on these new times; were you informed, when was the first time you knew, when you, like me read it in the Press!

Write, phone or e-mail me: [email protected]
