The Save/Support Bridlington Hospital Campaign Group Would like to hear from other Campaign Groups in & around the UK who have set-up Groups and Campaigns to fight cuts and closure to there hospital's, Regional or Community Hospitals.

Send me your Website details ; we will put your details and links on our site and vice-versa;  this way we can grow strong together, relay what is happening around the country to all our hospitals.

Grouping together we can fight for the NHS which we have all paid into for years, reflected in our Taxes; the NHS is FREE at the point of entry!  Hospitals & Community Hospitals should not be cut in this day and age; they should be re-vamped, improved and restructured and better facilities introduced.  

Fighting together we'll be stronger, powerful and above all  United! These Primary Care Trusts, run by white-collar workers on exuberant wages are damaging the very heart of the NHS, they fail to manage money, run up debts of £m's and close community hospitals which have been running for years.

MP's, Councillors and the Media are supporting our Campaign for a Fairer NHS; they are running stories within this region. I call on one and all to stand-up and be counted; fight now before the NHS is a thing of the past and all Community hospitals are Cut, Reduced or Closed!!! What's happening in your area? What's your experience? Is your Community hospital suffering? Are you waiting longer to be seen?
