We must keep a very close watch on Bridlington Hospital...the Scarborough NHS Healthcare Trust are something in the region of £4.5m to £6.8m in the RED!...... What plans for the future of Bridlington hospital are to be made? A very close scrutiny is been made in light of this information....read below...draw your own conclusions....if Trust members cannot answer simple questions then? 

What has happened to the Code of Conduct for NHS Managers? A selection below!

  • To reassure the public that these important decisions are being made against a background of professional standards and accountability
  • The public are properly informed
  • Managers will be honest and will act with integrity and probity at all times
  • “I will seek to ensure that” The best interests of the public and patients are up-held in decision-making.
These Letters below were sent to 5 members of the Scarborough Trust Senior Management: Chief Executive Alison Guy; Gilly Collinson; Duncan Henderson; Chris Coombs & Sheena Mason. Unfortunately; no replies by e-mail or letter have been sent regarding these issues raised; could it be senior management don't have the answers or could it be we are too near the truth for them to reply   Good morning to Trust Management; I would have thought someone from your departments would have picked up on my questions and replied? It is always possible for me to let the Press/Media ask these question or in fact MP's or Councillors Further to my latest information...... I am very concerned at Staff levels at Bridlington Hospital; also that staff morale is very low, at an all time low?  WE BELEIVE!
  1. Recruitment seems to have stopped?
  2. Staff leaving are not replace? 
  3. Staff working and doing 2 jobs due to staff shortages..
  4. Staff on escort duties not replaced? 28 bed wards under-staff? by at least 2....how long will this scenario continue....only the patients can suffer...we believe
Patients with Diabetes or requiring special diets of high protein foods are NOT catered for?  This as come from patients!!!
