News on Bridlington Hospital


Nurses at Bridlington & District Hospital Are still been taken on a daily basis to work at Scarborough Hospital (Day & Night)

Just this morning Friday 13/01/06... Nurses were told to report to Scarborough Hospital to work A SHIFT; how do they get there....under there own steam...nurses are furious at the Trust for taking this stance!

Reason! Scarborough Hospital have just laid off 100 staff; Relief Nurses, Auxiliary and Agency staff have been axed in a dramatic cost saving exercise; as the Trust try to save money.

At Bridlington Hospital there is a complete Overtime Ban in Place !......Also we are already nursing staff short; what does this mean?  Only Patients will & can suffer!  How can remaining nursing staff do there job under-staffed without been under stress & having to cut corners to maintain services

This is infuriating news ; what does the future hold?  Nurses do not have a say....they are told to do what they are told; they have to pay there own expenses to get to Scarborough from Bridlington; make there way to Bus or Train Stations if they do-not have there own transport; this is the year 2006...were will it end?  Yes with nurses leaving for a more secure job in other areas!!!

What has happened to the Code of Conduct for NHS Managers? A selection below!

· · To reassure the public that these important decisions are being made against a background of professional standards and accountability

· · The public are properly informed

· · Managers will be honest and will act with integrity and probity at all times

· · “I will seek to ensure that” The best interests of the public and patients are up-held in decision-making.

Many people including Press & Media have written to the Trust, sent e-mails etc, do the Trust respond....NO!

Even my own list of very important questions have been blanked! YES its true the Trust will not respond and are giving everyone a deaf-ear......treatment Is it not time that they were made to respond has Government legislation states; the public have a right to answers from a public body!

Mick Pilling (Chairman) Save/Support Bridlington Hospital Campaign Group & Action Group!

