A Hospital trust at the Centre of a review of its birth Centre has banned the Mail from taking photographs at the site. Our photographers have regularly attended the Jubilee Birth Centre, at Castle Hill Hospital in Cottingham, to take pictures of new mums and their babies. But after the Mail launched its Save The Jubilee campaign, in response to the trust's review of the unit, officials have said there will be no more pictures of new arrivals there. A Hull and East Yorkshire Hospitals NHS Trust spokesman said: "We've decided there will be no more pictures taken at the Jubilee Birth Centre because of the campaign." The spokesman said the Mail would still be permitted to take pictures at the Women And Children's Hospital in Anlaby Road, Hull. The Mail has been taking pictures of new babies at the Jubilee Birth Centre since it opened in 2003. They were published in the our sister paper, the Advertiser. A review of the unit's future is being carried out by NHS managers. The trust is trying to cut costs because of a £12.6m deficit. A decision on the future of the birth Centre is expected in the next fortnight. Emma Gawn, from the Jubilee Supporters' Group, today condemned the trust's move. She said: "They are not just discriminating against the Mail, they are also discriminating against the mums. Mothers might like to see photographs of their babies in the newspaper. "This is just one way of stopping the Mail talking to new mums and getting their support for the campaign, but that's wrong. "The campaign is about freedom of choice and this is yet another way the trust is restricting the choice of mothers." She urged all new mums who would like their photograph to appear in the paper to send their own pictures to the Mail, in defiance of the trust's orders. Hull and East Yorkshire Hospitals NHS Trust National Childbirth Trust Mick Pilling writes : The NHS is in total melt-down! The people of Britain seem to be putting up with a lot; it's not good enough; everyone as over the years has paid into the NHS through income-tax reflected in wages; were is all this money going if not on health. First Hospitals suffer with cut-backs and a loss of services, then we now have Dentists hit with reforms that will only affect the needy and the vulnerable. We ask the present Government "What as happened to your Pledges"? |