Hospital managers today admitted hundreds of patients' medical notes have been sent to the Philippines to be transcribed.
Hull and East Yorkshire Hospitals NHS Trust said doctors' notes had been sent abroad for the past three months in a trial scheme to clear a backlog.
The notes, which are spoken into a digital recorder by doctors, relate to anything from operation details to treatments for patients.
Managers today said they were confident the notes were being transcribed accurately and said patients had no cause for concern.
But union officials and the trust's patient forum claimed it could lead to serious mistakes and job losses.
Previously records have been transcribed by medical secretaries in East Yorkshire.
However, the trust, which runs Hull Royal Infirmary, Castle Hill and Princess Royal hospitals, said a backlog meant some records were not typed up for weeks or even months, leading to delays in patients' appointments.
It claims that, by outsourcing transcriptions, records can be typed and returned within 48 hours.
However, Unison branch secretary and Hull Royal Infirmary nurse Thelma Gray said she feared there could be major mistakes when workers in the Far East transcribe medical terminology, names of drugs and medicines.
She said: "I think there is a risk of serious mistakes being made and there is also an issue of patient confidentially.
"This isn't just happening in Hull, it is happening in many trusts and it is worth noting all of those are in financial difficulty.
"The trust aims to reduce its workforce and this is all about saving money.
"There are moral issues surrounding outsourcing transcriptions, including taking work away from highly-skilled NHS staff and paying low wages to people abroad."
A spokesman for the trust admitted there could be job losses among clerical staff over the next two years. These could include some of the trust's 200 medical secretaries, who also act as the first contact for consultants' patients, and organise theatre and doctors' diaries.
Since the trial started in April, 829 patient records have been sent to Pampanga, in the Philippines, for transcription.
The spokesman assured patients the transcribers, who are employed by a private outsourcing company, had been given training in medical terminology and medicines, the same as that given to medical secretaries in the UK.
But Ruth Marsden, chair of the Public Patient Involvement Forum, was unconvinced. She said: "I've been seeking reassurance from the trust over several issues, including confidentiality and clinical risk. Medical secretaries also provide a range of skills and are an interface between patients and consultants.
"Who will do that job if they go?"
She said similar medical words, such as hypertension and hypotension (high blood pressure and low blood pressure) could easily be confused.
The trust stressed the transcription service was a trial and a long-term decision would not be made until November.
Details such as how much money it could save and how many jobs could be shelved will also be decided then.
The trust has a £13m deficit, which it hopes to clear by making savings of £31m by 2008.
Chief executive Stephen Greep said: "These measures are designed to increase efficiency and improve services to patients."
The Philippines has a population of 83 million and a yearly household income of £1,200.
Mick Pilling (Say's) This news reported by the Hull Daily Mail sums up the State of our NHS, Penny Pinching, Cost Saving Exercises, closure in services & No Respect for Patient Confidentiality, this is how very serious mistakes are made.....When will Patricia Hewitt head of the NHS take her responsibilities seriously. We ask her Please sort out the NHS before it's gone down the pan ! How many many hospitals are using this method? Wouldn't you like to know, don't you think the NHS should be up-front? Send your questions to:
Prime Minister: The Rt. Hon. Mr Tony Blair M.P.
No10 Downing Street
Health Minister: The Rt. Hon. Patricia Hewitt MP
Richmond House
79 Whitehall
Other Officials
The Rt. Hon. Mr Menzies Campbell M.P.
Leader of the Conservative Party
House of Commons
(Write to): Lib Dem H.Q.
4 Cowley Street
Tel: 020 7219 6226
Fax: 020 7219 4881
The Rt. Hon. Mr David Cameron M.P.
"Leader of the Conservative Party"
E-mail: [email protected]
Contact: Mr David Cameron M.P. if you would like to complain about the, cuts in services at Bridlington Hospital. Or any other incident/information?
It will then be passed onto the Shadow Health Secretary's Team!