This News is Devastating & Very Frightening & will affect ALL!

To Whom it May Concern

This News is Devastating & Very Frightening & will affect ALL!

From Mick Pilling (chairman) S.S.B.H.C.A.G.
E-mail: [email protected]
Tel: 01262 671926

Please find the following up-dates & information about Scarborough NHS Trust & PCT's You will be shocked!!  The Scarborough & North East Yorkshire Healthcare NHS Trust Will be holding a meeting @ Scarborough; on the 26th September 2006

On the agenda: The rise or fall of Ms Alison Guy & Bernard Flynn , their investigation is now over, they have now been off work since 11th July 06, on full pay we believe; they were escorted off the premises of Scarborough Hospital and ask to stay at home until the investigations were complete; there future at the hospital will be discussed and hangs in the balance, I am informed.

Also on the agenda; were the Scarborough NHS Trust can save money be chopping up services at the  4 main hospitals; Scarborough, Bridlington, Malton & Whitby are some proposed cuts as the Trust tries to save £7m+ of debt now confirmed

  • The closure of the MIU at Bridlington over night 9pm to 9am plans are in the pipe-line to re-open this facility for the foreseeable future, nurses are on maternity leave and not sick as stated, Government regulations mean a nurse can be off for as long as 12 months!  Other nurses who worked @ Bridlington have been transferred to Scarborough A&E were informed!
  • Procurement: The Trust currently spends £6.9m on clinical supplies & services & £1.7m on non-clinical supplies & services
  • Proposed solutions include : to use more part-time staff; sell & lease back Cherry Trees the nursing homes; enforce Car-Park-Charges..(the stealth tax, say's Mick Pilling)
  • The Trust employs 381 people who perform admin & clerical work, including 50 medical secretaries on an average wage of £16,000+ some of these posts could go putting extreme pressure on others as work loads increase, that is when mistakes are made?
  • The possibility of 99 jobs to go at Scarborough Hospital in jobs cut scandal.....this is on the cards as the Trust trims its finances for the future
  • Remember 03/01/06 Scarborough Trust finished 100 Staff Relief Nurses, Auxiliary and Agency another 99 to go this is very frightening news to Nurses, Patients and anyone working at the hospital, morale is at an all time low across the 4 hospitals
  • There is a complete over-time ban at 4 hospitals run by the Trust, also a non-replacement of staff in place
  • There are to be Cuts in agency staff; Reducing the amount of hours of Consultants & Junior Doctors & also the cutting back of Locum doctors brought in at weekends...sometimes from aboard?
  • The possibility of closing 2 Hospital Wards @ Scarborough Hospital....not yet named?  This is devastating news!!
  • Whitby Hospital to reduce bed size; Scarborough Whitby & Ryedale Primary Care Trust has announced it plans to cut the number of operational beds @ Whitby Hospital to just eight!
  • The Accountants acting for the Scarborough NHS Trust: Price/Waterhouse/Coopers report also proposes closing Bridlington Hospital for emergency admissions & transferring related activity to Scarborough, and shutting operating Theatres @ Whitby & Malton Hospitals
  • The Trust employs 63 Midwives on an average salary of £27,000.  It says this figure is above the national average & needs to be looked at.  The Midwives deliver approx 1,700 babies a year; this includes Bridlington's expectant mothers because the Maternity Unit is not used to its full capacity as staff numbers are short and the Trust will not look into money available?
  • In a Nutshell.... say's Mick Pilling; the Scarborough NHS Trust needs a financial boost from Central Government; but the Department of Health is having none of this and will not put public money into the health services to save it; money we have paid in reflected in Taxes....So Hospital should function correctly & everyone should get a fair
  • No actual point of contact at present we believe: With Ms Alison Guy Chief Executive suspended at present; the temporary Chief Executive Mr Mike Potts now departed; we now have a new Interim Chief Executive Mr Iain McInnes who at present is only temporary so who really can you deal with on a sure footing, to get results; with all the comings & goings people are somewhat confused, God help the staff.
The out-come ; we must all suffer these cuts to our Health Service (Why) and watch the Demise of the NHS as we knew it! (WHY) Gone are the days of care and good health, here to stay are the days of toil and trouble as we try for hospital appointments; have hospital appointments changed many times; have to drive miles and miles for treatment; go to other countries for treatment & operations; suffer at home because there are no hospital beds available; ring for an hospital bed before going into hospital adding to stress; care for each other at home; don't be sick on a weekend there are no doctors available in some hospitals, reduced services, no prescription service, short-fall in Ambulances with no Paramedics on board as Technicians are not being used in some areas; No doctors out-of-hours services available to some towns in new shake-up. Let us also not forget Hornsea Cottage hospital, has it shut its 22 bed ward to inpatients from 1st October 2006 The Closure over-night of 4 Minor Injuries Units on the East Coast in 2006

Managers Code of Conduct:

What has happened to the Code of Conduct for NHS Managers? A selection below!

  • To reassure the public that these important decisions are being made against a background of professional standards and accountability
  • The public are properly informed
  • Managers will be honest and will act with integrity and probity at all times
  • “I will seek to ensure that” The best interests of the public and patients are up-held in decision-making.

Mick Pilling (chairman) Save/Support Bridlington Hospital Campaign Action Group Fighting for a Fairer NHS for all

My Petition today now stands @ 11,125 - 15/09/06 with 2 week+ to run very impressive!
