Petition Presentation You are welcome to attend


You are invited to the Presentation of the Petition gathered by the above group. The petition now stands at 22,100 signatures approx in it glory; the petition will be handed to the Bridlington Town's Mayor on:

Monday 16th October 2006 @ 11.00am
Venue: Bridlington Town Hall

Please attend and show your solidarity; this petition was gathered because the Scarborough NHS Trust decided to close the Bridlington Hospital's Minor Injuries Unit on the 4th September 2006 and impose several ludicrous cuts, these were done by Stealth & Back-door tactics?  NO!

Consultation was given yet again breaking all promises made at meetings, they must be made fully accountable at all times when making decission which involves the future of Bridlington. The people, visitors & residents of Bridlington were thoroughly disgusted by this, yet another cut, something had to be done.

With the amount of signatures collected we beleive the people have spoken volumes, the trust should now listen 
