22,500 Petition Presented to Chief Executive Iain McInnes Scarborough NHS Trust

Today; Friday, 3rd November 2006 at 1.30pm at the Bridlington & District Hospital Main Entrance saw a petition of no-less than 22,500 signatures handed over to the (Interim) Chief Executive Iain McInnes of the Scarborough & North East Yorkshire NHS Healthcare Trust; it was raised by the Save Bridlington Hospital Campaign Action Group  after the closure of the Minor Injuries Unit over-night from 9.00pm to 9.00am next day; the 3rd time in as many years; the Trust decided to close the MIU in a cost saving exercise to help it save money because the Trust was in debt to the tune off £9m .

In attendance was: Cllr Leslie Taylor & his wife Cllr Winifred Taylor (Mayor & Mayoress of Bridlington) Richard Grunwell Trust Director; Trust Chief Executive Iain McInnes; Gilly Collinson; Mr Mick Pilling (Chairman) Save Bridlington Hospital Campaign Action Group; BBC Look-North Television; YTV Yorkshire Television; The Hull Daily Mail Newspaper & The Bridlington Free Press reporters & photographers.

The lastest proposed cuts have angered the Town of Bridlington & District; its residents are fed-up with the antics of the NHS Trust its lack of consultation, lack of information, back-door cuts and the stealth in which these NHS Trusts operate, the truth is always a long way from been up-front with people.

We are now told that the Maternity Unit Services at Bridlington Hospital will close forth-with and the Service taken to Scarbororugh Hospital; the Trust say this is good for the patient, mother & baby?  It is a cost saving exercise and nothing more; it now means that all babies born; will be registered in North Yorkshire and NOT East Yorkshire...... It will also put a further strain on the Ambulance Service which may I add is stretched to the limit at present, in Bridlington we have 2 Ambulances by day.....but at night only one is operational. 

Kindests regards Mick Pilling  Fighting for a fairer NHS for all 
