NHS History


The National Health Service or NHS as it is more commonly known, was set up on the 5th July 1948 to provide healthcare for all citizens, based on need, not the ability to pay.

The NHS is funded by the taxpayer and managed by the Department of Health, which sets overall policy on health issues. It is the responsibility of the Department of Health to provide health services to the general public through the NHS.

It was launched as a single organisation based around 14 regional hospital boards. This new NHS was originally split into three parts:

  • hospital services
  • family doctors, dentists, opticians and pharmacists
  • local authority health services, including community nursing and health visiting

Since 1948 there have been huge changes to both the organisational structure of the NHS and the way that patient services are provided.

You can take a look at how the NHS has changed through the years by clicking on the timelines below.

This information is taken from the NHS website. Feel free to visit the site and email me with any comments you may have.


Mick Pilling (Chairman)

