Recent Bridlington Hospital Meeting at the Town Hall

Letters to the Editors
Dear supporters;                   

I would like to add my views that the above meeting was a total fiasco and I must say the Chairman who was from the Patients Forum Group had no idea at all how to chair a meeting; Mick Pilling could have done much better.

I was interested to hear from Clair Wood  Chief Executive  East Yorkshire Primary Care Trust that they are wishing to see less people being cared for in the hospital and more people being cared for at home; by sending people home early from hospital these Trusts will save vast amounts of money?

Can I let supporters/readers know the following facts:

The Position is quite clear this is another attempt to reduce to care to the people of Bridlington and surrounding areas for the reason being that her Trust and her staff will decide who gets care and who will not and her staff will determined very strict criteria for getting care at home and it will be decided without the involvement of the patient this will allow her PCT to deny care to those that need it just like they did everything in their power to refuse me care without ever seeing me.

Further Social Services are massively in debt £3.03m to be precise and quite frankly East Riding Council are another body that is going to implement that elderly and disabled people and those who are venerable who currently  get a few hours of care every week will lose it at the moment the have four bands A.B.C.D those currently in Band C. D will lose their current care this is the policy that East Riding Council are trying to implement.

As for Care in The Community it cannot work for the reason being their are not enough Carers to look after everyone The Cost will be Enormous something of the region of £5 Million Pounds will be needed Minimum to ensure care to the needy is given correctly.

Assessments of the persons needs will be decided by what they  Social Services and Primary Care Trust want to give in terms of care and between them they will stitch the Venerable Persons up by robbing them of the correct care they need as so they can save monies.

I am afraid to say the true facts of this scenario is disabled and the elderly and the most disadvantage members of the community will end up getting ill some will die and some will be left to rot in their own homes being neglected by those like social services and the primary care trust who preach about care but really do not care.

In the East Riding in social services we have incompetent social workers who cannot do their job and waste monies we have unaccountable officers of the east riding council who bully the ill and weak into submission and neglect them.

Clair Woods Primary Care Trust are already in league with Social Services working partnership they call it and to be quite frank Clair Wood cannot even carry out the basic criteria of honesty like phoning someone back the next day  as she promised but which will not now happen for another  9 days before she say's she will phone back  simply the answer is  she cannot be bothered and this is the attitude of her trust unaccountable buck passing and more so anything to get away from the truth is dished out to members of the public in terms of fobbing of mixed with lies and deceit.

I pity those like me who need proper care but have to suffer inhuman abhorrent and adverse conditions whilst these quango's are getting paid £100.000 pounds per year to neglect us disabled and elderly members of the community.

These are the above facts so let us not be living under any cloud by thinking we are going to care We are not going to get care just hyped up talk and gossip with no support no services and no care or very little for cost cutting exercise.

Social services cannot afford care what is being put in  for 2007   Budget will not be enough to support care to those who need it.

The system of care provision has failed whilst those in charge are drawing fat cat salaries and looking after themselves whilst the ill go to the grave.

Going Back to the meeting it was a sham and it takes people Like Mick Pilling and Myself and many others to say to all these organisations the community will not be pushed around and denied proper care whether it is in Scarborough Hospital  Bridlington Hospital or care  at home.

The above are facts not fiction now Free Press tell the public we have to be united and stand firm and bring all these quango's to order.

Writer; Graham Baverstock, Bridlington Supporter; Mick Pilling, Fighting for the Town of Bridlington
