Letters to Editors; Please read; you will be SHOCKED; make no mistake?

Good morning to all supporters, from Mick Pilling (Chairman)

We has a campaign action group agree with the following letter; our concerns about the PCT are not without foundation; these PCT Trusts are believed to tell lies in order to achieve there goal to save vast amounts of money.  They are trying to close beds at 4 hospitals and remove them to possibly Goole & Bridlington, this is not a wise move in our eyes and can only cause massive problems in the future; it will most certainly affect the list towns, the elderly, disabled and many others from all walks of life; effected are; Beverley, Withernsea, Driffield and Hornsea.  We firmly believe action is required; support now or suffer later!

Mick Pilling (chairman) in support I urge other newspaper to support this Campaign, Health is paramount

To: The Editor, The Beverley Guardian
Dear Editor,

The Beverley Health Action Group is disappointed that the free council paper, The East Riding News, chose to print the four page supplement relating to the East Riding of Yorkshire Primary Care Trust in its February issue.  The proposed action of the Trust, in closing all NHS beds within their area, and replacing them with beds belonging to Trusts in North Yorkshire and North Lincolnshire, or with beds in private care homes, is being opposed in every area of the Riding, by Councillors of every political party and the general public.  The Trust asks us to chose to support ‘Bridlington alone' ‘Goole alone' ‘Bridlington and Goole' or ‘Bridlington and Goole' with either Driffield, Beverley or Market Weighton.  Our Group does not think that this closed list of options gives a fair choice to the people of East Yorkshire, offers nothing to Holderness and is likely to set one town against another. We regret that by printing these options as part of the East Riding News (even though it is headed advertisement feature'), without any suggestion that there is massive dissent, it will seem as if the East Riding of Yorkshire Council  is endorsing the deeply flawed consultation we are now undergoing. As the advertisement makes clear, the Trust's plan is driven primarily by financial considerations. We would urge people to E-mail Beverley Health Action Group @ [email protected] to register their interest and receive further information on this matter.

Beverley Willson
Vice Chair, Beverley Health Action Group

We have sent the following letter in to several local papers this weekend and would urge you to do the same.

At this stage we are very concerned about what advice to give Beverley People about the completion of the Consultation document. We feel that the document is designed to turn us all against each other and force us to choose "Option C. OUR TOWN". We want to get together and fight to save ALL the hospitals, but time is running out. We are concerned that unless you are all advising people to do the same, we will have no choice but to urge local residents to vote for Beverley. It seems the ERY PCT is relying on dividing and conquering!

Best regards
Beverley Willson Vice Chair, Beverley Health Action Group

Dear Editor

News Flash News Flash 

Care to the Elderly and Disabled is Planning to be Cut by East Riding Council


Council Bosses  with the Help of the Cabinet of East Riding Council are Planning to cut care for the Elderly and Disabled.

Their are currently 4 bands A/B/C/D - those people in band C/D will lose all their current care if the Council get their own way Councillor Harrap portfolio holder for Adult Services  tells me that those in band A/B will benefit as the most needy .

Perhaps Councillor Harrap will come clean and tell the community those currently in band A/B have already had their care cut.  Just Like me as a cost cutting exercise and those in band A/B will not be getting anymore care. Therefore why does the council not come clean and tell everyone care is getting cut no matter what need you have so the council can save money at their expense. I pity the elderly who will lose those few hours a week of vital care  but I suspect many of them will end up in Hospital and even die as a result of neglect. Again as social services know they are the only people that count for assessing someone's need and if they say you do not need care then you are stumped like me; I  already have to suffer inhumane and degrading treatment from this council for example like having to sleep in my own excrement enforced upon me by East Riding Council refusing to provide me with proper care so it can save money.

Make no mistake others will be joining me soon so what can you do about this matter form a group and kick up stink and bombard your councillors until they listen.

If they dont then dont vote for them vote for people that will care.

G Baverstock 
I tell it how I see it!!!
Kent Square Bridlington
