Six petitions containing almost 18,000 signatures opposing planned NHS bed cuts are due to be presented to East Riding of Yorkshire Primary Care Trust's (PCT) board tomorrow.

The 17,805 signatures have been collected over the past four months in response to the PCT's controversial proposals for community healthcare.

Under the plans, 57 beds could be moved out of community hospitals in Withernsea, Hornsea, Beverley and Driffield and relocated in new units and private care homes across the region.

The petitions include almost 10,000 signatures from the people of Driffield and surrounding villages, 6,250 collected by the Beverley Health Action Group and 626 from Withernsea residents.

In addition, 787 names have been added to the Mail's Hands Off Our Hospitals'petition, which was backed by 16,000 people when first launched in 2005, since the latest public consultation began in November.

John Bird, chair of the East Riding Health Action Group and of the Beverley Health Action Group, said: "This is a fantastic response.

"The general public have shown their support for keeping the community hospitals open and I wouldn't be able to understand if the PCT didn't take notice of that."

There is also a petition signed by 350 pupils of Withernsea High School that states as future residents, they have a right to expect adequate healthcare and minor injuries services in the town.

Withernsea town councillor Marian Mead said: "It isexcellent to see younger people taking such an active role in the campaign.

"They are the future of the town and obviously understand how important the hospital is."

Members of the PCTs board were due to make a decision on the healthcare proposals at tomorrow's meeting.

But, as reported in the Mail last week, this has been postponed until May following an overwhelming response to the trust's public consultation.

It received more than 3,000 written responses, with almost 1,000 of these being handed in during the last week of the consultation.

The six petitions will also be noted as part of the feedback.

The board will be presented with key findings and recommendations at its next meeting on Wednesday, May 23.

Mick Pilling (writes) In addition to the above; 22,500 signature Petition was raised in Bridlington and given to the Scarborough NHS Healthcare Trust people in Bridlington were sick of all the NHS cuts and closure of NHS services.
