Vote of No Confidence as D-Day nears on Re-Vamp

Scarborough NHS bosses are meeting next week to make decisions on a review of health services which has caused outrage throughout the East Riding including now a vote of no confidence by Bridlington Town Council.

Scarborough acute trust board will meet at the Evron Centre, Filey, to vote on two reports on the outcome of the consultations including maternity services trust wide, and services at Bridlington Hospital.

A trust spokesman said yesterday: "The board meets next week to make a decision on the consultations. Any decision taken regarding maternity will reflect national guidelines.

"The Bridlington Hospital consultation aims to identify how we can best provide safe, sustainable local services at Bridlington Hospital. It was agreed by the Board at a recent meeting that we should increase day surgery in Bridlington, which is happening already."

However Bridlington Town Council has supported a vote of no confidence in the Scarborough Trust following a presentation by Mick Pilling, who chairs Save Bridlington Hospital Action Campaign Group.

Coun Liam Dealtry said: "I think the staff at Bridlington Hospital are brilliant but I have no confidence in the trust. We need to stand together; united. Enough is enough."

His civic colleagues passed a vote of no confidence in the trust and will invite its chief executive, Iain McInnes, to attend a future meeting to respond to local concerns.

Mr Pilling told the meeting he feared that the Bridlington Hospital was being run down by the Scarborough & North East Yorkshire Healthcare Trust to cut costs because of its debts.

He claimed the Minor Injuries Unit at the Hospital was due to open 24/7 from June 2007 but would now not do do because of staffing problems.

"The future of the Cardiac Monitoring Unit & Acute Medical Services is still under severe threat. The trust would like to see this unit removed to Scarborough Hospital to save vast amounts of money," he added. "The Maternity Unit also faces the same severe threat of been removed to Scarborough in a cost saving exercise."

But a trust spokesman said: "We are surprised at this vote of no confidence. There has been considerable attention given to how we can develop services at Bridlington Hospital and a great deal more work goes on there, particularly in the way of outpatients, clinics and operations and a very high quality endoscopy unit. So it is difficult to understand the basis for the claims made."
