NYCC Scrutiny of Health Committee Closure of 3 Maternity hospitals

From:     John Blackie Chairman

Dear Mick chairman, Save Bridlington Hospital Campaign Action Group

Thank you for your various e-mails about Bridlington Hospital . I too am incredibly disappointed with the recommendations being made to the Scarborough and North East Yorkshire NHS Trust Board with regard to Bridlington / Whitby / Malton Community Hospitals..  I could list lots of reasons why - but that for another day.

Standing above all these reasons is the concern amongst local communities served by these 3 Hospitals which was demonstrated throughout the Consultation, by large public attendances at meeting (e.g. Whitby - 200+ audience) and by an overwhelming response by local people in making contributions in writing to the NHS Trust.

Significantly the outright rejection by the local communities of the options other than retaining the status quo does not rate one mention in the Chief Executive's Report to the Board recommending closure of the 3 maternity units - an arrogant demonstration of a Trust with no regard for the people it serves.  I am incredibly disappointed with Iain McInness on this point alone, and feel he has let us all down.

The North Yorkshire Scrutiny of Health Committee will be referring the matter to the Secretary of State for Health.   We have resolved that already, and we will not be going back on our word.  We want to stand up to be counted for our local communities here in the County of North Yorkshire.

The Joint NYCC / East Riding of Yorkshire Council resolved to refer the matter to the Secretary of State for Health and I will be having discussions with my counterpart Chairman of the Scrutiny of Health Committee in ERYC to take this forward together.

I have suggested to campaign leaders in Whitby and Malton that there may be merit in a joint delegation (including representatives from Bridlington) and myself going to London to speak to officials and leading politicians at the Department of Health, on the back of the referral to the Secretary of State of the proposals by the 2 Scrutiny of Health Committees.

The strongest voice, the loudest voice, is the united voice.

If you are interested in this initiative please contact me on my mobile 0796 758 9096 or via e-mail.

Please keep up the very good work you are doing by keeping a high profile on this severe cut in health-care provision and reduction in choice for local people.  This choice is being reduced to SCARBOROUGH or SCARBOROUGH !!

I have no objections whatsoever if you wish to circulate this e-mail to your network of contacts.

Kind Regards,
John Blackie Chairman - NYCC Scrutiny of Health Committee NYCC County Councillor for the Upper Dales

Mick Pilling (writes)

Thank John for your deep concerns; it time now the Trust put people & patients before cost and took notice; they cannot be allowed to please themselves. I just hope now that these towns stand together united!

Kindest regards Mick
