Hi Mick,            

The whole subject of available care in Bridlington and choice does not exist in ERCC ongoing cases prove this. As for health services provided from the cradle to the grave, in ERCC and the holistic care surrounding this fairy storey forget it.       

I do hope that you will partake in the up coming discussion re health services for the elderly in your area which hopefully will lead to a major campaign supporting both our services which I believe will cause major uproar throughout the community when we lay a few cases out that I believe the public have to date been misled, by people who should know better. I will of course keep you in formed as to dates and times of meetings these of course are supported by HELP THE AGED and ALZHEIMER'S SOCIETY Which hopefully help us take it forward nationally just how unjustly the residents of Bridlington are being provided for. If as humans we were to carry out some of these malpractices on animals we would be condemned for the rest of our days. ONE cannot understand wars and the destruction of humans abroad, and go on to take the human rights of our residents of ERCC i feel sure you agree with me as you have stated so many times in the past. As a collective with nationally recognised organisations we may advance our course.                                                    

Yours Terry

Hello to Mick Pilling 
Subject Care in the Community and East Riding Council Social Services Department you're reporting in Hull Daily Mail 11 July 2007

Press Release 

Dear Mick Pilling

I am fully aware of the attempts by East Riding County Council ERCC to cut the criteria for eligibility for care in the community.

This comes as no surprise to me and everyone who gets a care package will now have severe worries and will now face severe hardships like that which has been enforced upon me by this council and Andrew Williams and Co.

No-one wants to care for the Disabled and Elderly the Primary Care Trusts wants fewer elderly people being admitted to hospital Social Services don't want to care for its people and I am afraid the end results will be death and suffering to those that remain behind.

The East Riding Council are determined not to afford care in meeting peoples needs and any assessments of these people will not be on what they really require but will be based on the council budgets.

Therefore the ill and disabled and the elderly will suffer in a way which is inhumane I know I am living this every day through lack of care like sleeping in my own excrement not being able to go to bed on a weekend and other disabled people are having their care cut and being left for 17 hours with no care these are severely disabled people who rely on care to have some life I am afraid this wont happen when they lose their care.

Carers who look after the disabled are being forced out of work by this council because their clients have already had their packages of care cut some staff lose £105 per month and there pay increases this year are only 1.4 %.

The Council of East Riding are determined to crucify those who are most at risk and play a game of chance with their lives people in the community should have real concerns for their lives in the future they are going to be slaughtered behind closed doors and those with no families will be hit  hard.

I think its time East Riding Council and Andrew Williams came clean and just told us the public they are investing in coffins because that's where we will surely end up.

Andrew Williams does not have a clue about care that's why he is leaving he is useless and he has done right to resign he leaves in August.

I urge all the press and Councillors to Fight Against the cuts in care and all disabled and elderly people and their families should stand united and if we are going to get crucified then its time these officers went.

What is Mr Parnaby the Leader of this Council doing about matter probably nothing and his party claims they care well how can this be so when many in the community will die through lack of care.

Mr Williams you have abused me for one by way of neglect and inhumane care in your role as director of social services and no doubt many others have also been abused many are too frightened to complain and if they do they are wasting their time since East Riding Council has one of the worst complaints departments in the country. Ask Andrew Williams for answers his reply is so famous it should be kept in our history  NOTHING FURTHER TO ADD is his reply.

The Public need to know Your Loved ones will suffer severe hardships under East Riding Council  and I would advise all disabled people to enjoy what life they have now for surely in the months ahead your lives will be shortened.

Officers of the East Riding Council in Social Services care about no one and its Chief Executive allows covers ups to take place with those officers East Riding Council are frauds.

GBaverstock already a victim of serious abuse by East Riding Council Social Services Department

16 Kent Square
West Hill

All Hull Daily Mail readers please contact me at [email protected]
Tel 01262 609235

Joan Heathershaw
has sent the following analysis for circulation – it seems very relevant to our Friday meeting ( 1.30pm at Hornsea Hospital , Kingfisher Lodge. Begin forwarded message: ERY PCT Community health services for local people.

The Directive:
The Government White Paper “Our Health, our Care, our say.
Health and Social care working together”:
More care undertaken outside hospitals and in the home” .

Page 9. 25, states;  ‘We will achieve this by introducing a new generation of community hospitals and facilities with strong ties to social care.'
Page 9. 26
, states; ‘At the moment too much primary care is commissioned without integrating the local authority. There will be more joint commissioning between PCT's and local authorities. We will develop a procurement model and best practice guidance to underpin joint commissioning framework for health and well-being.'
Page 9. 27, states ; ‘To assist this, we will streamline budgets and planning cycles between PCT's and local authorities based on outcome-based framework. There will be a strengthened role for the Director of Adult Social Care'
Page 9. 28, states
; ‘…..more people can ensure that services are provided to suit their lives…. We will assist by introducing ‘new trigger' on public satisfaction and service quality'.

The PCT Aims: “The establishment of 24-hour neighbourhood health teams made up of community matrons, nurses, therapists and rehabilitation staff. These staff will work closely with social services and GPs to treat and support people at home who would previously have been admitted to an acute hospital setting.”

The Reality Apart from medical treatment, patients treated in hospitals are catered for free of charge in a safe, clean environment. The PCT 24-hour health team scheme assumes that Social Services will provide this service for patients unable to cater for themselves while being treated at home. However, at the ERYC's Overview and Scrutiny Committee meeting the PCT were informed that ERYC is financially unable to provide the necessary input to support this scheme. There has been no further progress towards setting up a joint PCT/ERYC partnership since then. In fact, the level of social care is decreasing and service charges are increasing across the County.

The Result The PCT Board ‘will now consider the establishment of neighbourhood health teams'. The PCT's capital business case to ‘modernise NHS facilities', (and we know what that means) had to include the business plan for neighbourhood health teams as part of the package. It isn't a chicken and egg situation. Omitting it is nothing short of an act of medical planning negligence.

Unless the PCT plan to introduce 24-hour neighbourhood health teams to substitute hospital care includes a defined and agreed joint working partnership with social services and GPs:

It does not comply with the Government's new directive for community health.
It is clinically unsafe.
It will not result in improved patient care and satisfaction.
At worst it will be a medical catastrophe.

We need facts from those involved in replacing hospital care with Neighbourhood health teams - the Ministry of Health, ERYC, ERY PCT, and GPs Facts the PCT Board needed to be assured of before supporting the Scheme. Joan Heathershaw

Mick Pilling Chairman: Save Bridlington Hospital Campaign Action Group (writes)
I fully agree with all the persons who have contacted me….something must be done now to prevent death in our community…..act now before it's too late.
