More Questions we need to ask the Scarborough NHS Trust


Q - How long did Prof. Alberti spend on the Bridlington site to assess its capability ?

A - 1½ days

Q - How long did the Royal College assessor spend site on the BDH ?

A - 1½ days

Q - What about recent research that shows ncreased likelihood of death with extended ambulance trips to hospital ??

Q - What do you propose todo on the several days of the year when the roads between Bridlington and Scarborough are closed due to bad weather ?

Q - Previously you have stated that Bridlington CMU is unsafe. What is your evidence for this ? The 2003 College report found it to be completely safe. SGH & BDH cardiac monitoring units operate along very similar lines and see a similar number of patients. The BDH figures for 'door to needle' time are better than Scarborough. Are you saying therefore that the Scarborough CMU is unsafe ??

Q - This is purely about cost saving isn't it ? What costings have you done about inpatient care in Bridlington compared with inpatient care at Scarborough. Why are these costings not within the public domain ? To relocate all admissions to Scarborough would cost the ambulance service 1.2 million pounds, surely it would be cheaper for the health economy as a whole to make the Bridlington service viable.

Q - If you move the medical wards out of Bridlington you risk losing work from the Driffield areain particular as their work is likely to be referred to Hull.How much will this cost ?

Q - Satelite dialysis unit due to open at BDH. The SGH satelite unit frequently has to ask the SGH doctors for help with patients. Who is going to provide that service at Bridlington ?

Q - What steps have you taken to ensure there is adequate capacity at SGH for Bridlington patients (currently 2 medical wards and 5 bedded CMU/HDU facility at BDH) ? Presumably you would need to upgrade and convert existing and poor facilities at SGH, howmuch isthis goingto cost ? Surely it would be cheaper to leave inpatients inthe current Bridlington wards which are modern and fit for purpose.

Q - Are you aware that the last week of September, 3 patents due to have pacemaker implants at SGH were cancelled due to lack of bed capacity across the Trust; and yetyou seriously propose to reduce bed capacity further - this is before the onset of the flu season.

Q - Are you going to provide transport links for Bridlington relatives to get to see patients in Scarborough ? If not, why not ? How much would this cost ?

Q - How much would it cost to make the BDH unit sustainable ? How much would it cost to move the whole service to Scarborough ? If you can't tell us, why haven't you done any costings ?

Q - The current service can be made sustainable very easily. It is highly valued by the local community. What is your excuse for taking it off us ?

Even though the ambulance crews can give thrombolysis, patients will still need a bed. The largest group of patients don't meet the criteria for thrombolysis but are seriously ill with other types of heart attacks ( i.e. NSTEMI ). These patients need to be looked after on a Cardiac Monitoring Unit and SGH alone will not have the capacity to take Bridlington patients as well.

Cardiac patients do not need an anaesthetist. This is a 'fobbing off'. Acute medical patients who deteriorateneed anaesthetic escort amount to about 12 per year and many need to go to a bigger unit at SGH.

Professor Alberti's second visit report - We would like a copy of this !

SGH - Scarborough General Hospital
BDH - Bridlington District Hospital


