NO BEDS for Patients

Once again dear friends and supporters;

The Scarborough NHS Healthcare Trust HAS NO BEDS for Patients (FACT) Beds in Bridlington Hospital used wards opened ???

All is not well, as more and more Ambulances take patients to Scarborough NHS Hospital; Scarborough CANNOT meet demand!  Why NO BEDS yes a hospital with no beds in this day and age; what happens in Winter when the bad weather is here and people break limbs etc or there is a flu epidemic etc...

Only last week the Scarborough Trust had to open wards at Bridlington to cope , when asked to do this on a permanent bases the answer is NO it costs too much? Now the Scarborough NHS Trust have had to open Haldene ward , fit all taps with a special filter to stop Legionnaire's Disease from getting to patients ; what a state of affairs.  These wards at Scarborough Hospital being used now are not fit for purpose or they would not have been closed for refurbishment, they are ancient and as stated Not Fit for Use. 

There are 3 Wards at Bridlington Hospital ready for use; why do they not use them.  Answer; it cost money, if they were to use them then people would say way can't you use them on a permanent basis, the Trust would sooner put patients at risk we believe, than open ward and staff them in Bridlington.

This most certainly needs to be looked into immediately without delay, take all this into consideration and the removal of services from Bridlington Hospital such as Cardiac Monitoring Unit & Acute Medical if the Trust cannot manage now how will they manage in the future, the sums do not add up.

They talk about staff being finished with the problems they have now they need all hands on deck !

At times we believe the Trust is in crisis and does not know which way to turn It is not uncommon for patients to be taken/sent to York as patients have informed us.  A NO BED CRISIS is one thing; I as a Patient would not like to be in that predicament.  It is not uncommon for there not to be a bed when you are taken through A&E at Scarborough.  Ambulances are still continueing to come back from Scarborough with blue's & two's as they fight demand daily, when they get to Scarborough Hospital NO BEDS!

Mick Pilling fighting for patients and a fairer NHS for all

Hi Mick,            

As you are well aware this problem at Scarborough has been going on for months, it is a documented fact the staff at Sca cannot cope with the existing work load.   The NHS trust for our area will do anything to save money, whilst leaving the under-resourced, overworked staff to get by as best they can.  

Scarborough NHS TRust Board is fast becoming a disgrace and an embarrasment to all right minded people, they must go before it is to late for all our hospitals and the dedicated staff.

