The vote of no confidence stands, the call for the Resignation of all top executive is just

Another twist of the crank leads me to ask the question of the East Yorkshire and Humberside Coroner if he is going to investigate any deaths which occur whilst the trust continue to conduct the actions that to date they have undertaken, closer of wards at Bridlington hospital, knowingly that they cannot  carry out full professional care practises as previously done under Allison Guy.    One cannot help but wonder what if ever the charges will be bearing in mind, that all actions are premeditated, blame cannot in all reasonable thoughts be blamed upon the workers those on the wards the Doctors nurses all care workers Ambulance staff whose stress levels must be at breaking point, by following the ill conceived plans of managers who we in the community believe are unfit for purpose.    

The so called Managers concerned with the actions must be aware that the community wit-hen the East Riding of Yorkshire, like Bridlington Town Council have no confidence in their ability in providing safe working practises. Maybe in the not too distant future a vote of no confidence by  ERCC against the Trust making it a complete situation to present to Minster  MR Alan Johnson.

We also firmly believe that the Trust are playing a dangerous game with peoples lives as we now find that more and more patients are taken to Scarborough Hospital the EYAS by-pass Bridlington and go straight to A&E at Scarborough, no matter what the problem is? Then we hear from the A&E through many sources that the A&E are finding it very hard to cope?  No beds available, Patients in cubicles for long periods of time when they should be in an hospital bed, simply not good enough this is the 21st century not the 1900's The Trust should now face the real facts, it is hell bent on saving money not lives we believe.

The call for the Resignation of all top executive is not without foundation. The proposed closure of CMU Cardiac Monitoring Unit at Bridlington and a proposed closure of one ward in Acute Medical is totally un-called-for, we demand these units get a full reprieve before more action is taken, you are unjust in what you are doing to the Bridlington Hospital, we firmly believe you do not listen to reason, but forge ahead with heads in clouds. You must try to get away from tunnel vision and look at the wide spectrum of building up the Bridlington Hospital as previously stated Bridlington Hospital is an hospital of sound foundation this in itself should be built upon, words from the power that be!

We would like to know just how much money (Tax payers money) has been wasted on all those consultations and meetings, how much time wasting as the Trust tries many different ways to rip the heart and soul out of Bridlington Hospital.

Are you aware Mr McInnes just how much strain you have placed on the Ambulance service here in Bridlington since you took up your post?

You claim; the £28m is an inherited debt?  You knew fully the implications of taking on the Chief Executive job and fully of what it maintained you did not go in with eye's closed, you now move the goal posts at will to push through vast changes, you do not take patients well-being in to consideration, you now have hundreds of patients travelling to Scarborough for such things as blood test and dressings changing, seem the right hand knows what the left hand is doing, so many procedures are done at Scarborough now than ever before?

The vote of no confidence stands the call for the Resignation of all top executives

Regards Mick Pilling
fighting for a fairer NHS for All

Reply from Iain McInnes

I note your comments. I and this Trust board take our responsibilities seriously and will continue to do so. As modern healthcare moves forward, and more treatment options become available change is inevitable.

Iain McInnes

Chief Executive
Scarborough & North East Yorkshire NHS Trust
