Shock report on Bridlington Hospital

A SHOCKING report on Bridlington Hospital has criticised its dirty kitchen and toilets and states morale is at rock bottom. The report claims parts of the kitchen floor had not been swept or washed for several days, grates on the drains were rusty and not fitted properly, and old food and dirt was found behind moveable kitchen cabinets.

Members of the Patient and Public Involvement Forum, which inspected the hospital, found corridors dimly lit to save electricity, damp spots, possible leaks and "very dirty" toilets.

Despite this, staff are said to be coping well under difficult conditions, although the independent visitors noted that morale was at rock bottom.

The Free Press has seen part of the six-page report, which has not yet been made public.

The inspection team said: "In the time our forum has been visiting Bridlington Hospital, cleanliness has declined greatly, which we are not happy to notice, and a much more efficient cleaning process should be implemented, especially in the kitchen areas.

"Staff are coping well, given the conditions they have to work in, but it is obvious that morale throughout the hospital is extremely low."

It adds that minor maintenance could create "a much better picture".

Five members of the forum, which works in partnership with the health trust but is independent of it, visited the hospital on October 9.

They toured the building and spoke to patients, who were all highly satisfied with their treatment, but said staff were "constantly very busy", especially at night.

The report also says: "It was noted that underneath and behind any moveable cabinets there was a great deal of dirt and bits of food that appeared to be much more than a few days old ... it was obvious these areas had not been swept or washed for some considerable time.

"Looking through the floor grills, dirty greasy water, plus bits of dirty food, could clearly be seen."

The Free Press asked the Trust to see a full copy of the report but senior staff said they had not seen the report or were unable to supply one.

We also contacted the North Bank Forum, the organisation which sends out the patient forum's reports, but it would not release the document, claiming the hospital trust had not had the chance to respond to it.

However, a spokesman for the Trust told the Free Press: "The PPI Forum makes an important contribution to the Trust and its views are important to us, whether it is praise or constructive criticism.

"This report contains both and we have already started to address the issues raised, and draw up a schedule for further work.

"This plan will be sent to the PPI Forum for its next meeting and we hope it will reassure the Forum members.

"We are also subject to regular visits from environmental health officers and we make sure we comply with the required standards.

"Cleanliness is essential to healthcare in the kitchens as well as in the wards."
* Bridlington Town Council has passed a vote of no confidence in hospital bosses – and yesterday East Riding Council was asked to follow suit.

The town's mayor Coun Ray Allerston has put forward the motion, which his colleagues were due to consider.

He hopes they will pass the resolution that the council has no confidence in Scarborough and North East Yorkshire Healthcare NHS Trust's ability to serve the people of Bridlington.

Coun Allerston is also calling on Secretary of State for Health Alan Johnson MP to intervene to protect local health jobs and services.

At a protest march in Bridlington last month, Coun Allerston told the 3,000-strong crowd: "The problem with the Trust is, if it had been any other business, those in charge would have been out on the streets.

"They should resign and form a new Trust who will look after the hospital and look after the people of Bridlington."

Mr Johnson is due to meet Bridlington's MP Greg Knight later this month.
