At Tuesday's meeting the Trust Board recommended an option that will ensure Bridlington Hospital has a secure and sustainable future.

The Board agreed to pursue Option 5 , which proposes Acute Medical Emergencies to Scarborough Hospital with Enhanced Services at Bridlington Hospital (Excluding Management of Acute Myocardial Infarction) . This model was developed following the public consultation in order to take into account some to the strong feelings expressed by local people.

Said Chief Exec Iain McInnes: During the Public Consultation run by the Trust earlier this year the support and passion for Bridlington and District Hospital was extremely well voiced by local people, especially through the several public meetings that were held. The Trust has listened to public opinion and has worked over the summer and autumn months to look at ways to address the issues raised.

Dr Ian Holland, Medical Director explained: We have worked with the national Tsar for emergency care to seek guidance and advice on other models for acute coronary care that may be available. Whilst we have been unable to develop a sustainable model that will provide acute cardiac services on the Bridlington site; we have been able to develop a model that will retain inpatient medical beds at Bridlington within a clinical protocol. Option 5 will now be looked at more fully, including detailed costings, which are expected to incur significant capital and revenue costs. You can find the full board paper in the everyone folder and on the website (on the same page as the Updates, under consultation documents .) We will bring you further details as the plans progress .


Today's meeting of the Scarborough & North East Yorkshire Healthcare Trust Board has agreed a recommendation that will ensure Bridlington & District Hospital has a secure and sustainable future delivering appropriate good quality care and treatment to local people.

During the Public Consultation run by the Trust earlier this year the support and passion for Bridlington and District Hospital was extremely well voiced by local people, especially through the several public meetings that were held.  The Trust has listened to public opinion and has worked over the summer and autumn months to look at ways to address the issues raised.

Dr Ian Holland, Medical Director said; “We have worked with the national Tsar for emergency care to seek guidance and advice on other models for acute coronary care that may be available. Whilst we have been unable to develop a sustainable model that will provide acute cardiac services on the Bridlington site; we have been able to develop a model that will retain in-patient medical beds at Bridlington within a clinical protocol.”

Transport in rural areas is a key issue; the Trust has looked into the transport issues and will seek to pilot a “shuttle bus” service between Bridlington and Scarborough Hospitals, operating regularly through the day. They will work closely with patient interest groups on this issue, and regularly evaluate the service to ensure it is meeting need appropriately.

Teresa Fenech, Chief Nurse said: “Bridlington and District Hospital serves a defined population; it serves a pre-dominantly elderly population and also supports an influx of tourists. We will maintain a Hospital in Bridlington providing a range of in-patient medical beds, increased rehabilitation support, and planned care for a range of patients with long term conditions.

” In collaboration with the local Primary Care Trust, intermediate care will be further developed on the site. Day case surgery will be further expanded and may include some short stay low risk surgical patients. The Renal Dialysis Unit is now at an advanced stage and is on target for opening in the next financial year.

Iain McInnes, Chief Executive said: “A real concern expressed by the public was that the hospital was being “run down”.  The measures agreed today will ensure Bridlington & District Hospital has a secure and sustainable future delivering appropriate good quality care and treatment to local people.”
