Campaign will keep fighting | |
Have your say by writing t o : Mick Pilling , chairman , Save Bridlington Hospital Campaign Act ion Group , You can also send e-mails t o : [email protected] The trust has stuck to its guns about removing the CMU from Bridlington , even though people have categorically stated they do not want it removing. I believe the five options set out by the trust board should have been put to the people affected by these decisions . We collected 22,500 signatures against hospital cuts and almost 3,000 people turned out and marched to save t hese services . So I am very disappointed the trust has taken this view . We will continue to campaign to keep the CMU in Bridlington because it is a lifeline. Its removal to Scarborugh , some 22 miles away , could result in the possible loss of life. Our group believes the trust's cashflow crisis has been caused by poor mana gement . When I questioned trust chief executive Iain McInnes at t he board meeting last month he sa id they had looked at all the op t ions and recommended t his as the best way forward. The board agreed to explore the recommended option but said a final decision on t he hospital 's future was unlikely to be made until March this year . However , we feel t he trust is using a smoke and mirrors approach. The trust says it will be putting some thing back in to Bridlington but it will be a glorified community hospital. So , people of Bridlington , let us know how you want us to carry on campaigning on your behalf , to protect Bridlington Hospital. | |