Health Boss Slams Campaigners | |
Mick Pilling adds: The Petition & Campaign as been organised by the Save Bridlington Hospital Campaign Action Group's chairman Mick Pilling who as condemned the Scarborough NHS Trusts latest move as ludicrous. Mick says the Cardiac Monitoring Unit is a life saver; it as saved hundreds of lives over the past few years it as been running in Bridlington. We firmly believe that the removal of the 6 bed CMU will and could result in the loss of lives as patients are taken to either Scarborough, York or Hull, it as also been stated that if the Scarborough Hospitals Heart Unit is full and no beds are available patients could end up in Middlesborough? Mick Pilling can tell you that the Petition at the moment stands at 14,500+ and is increasing daily as the towns people get behind this Petition to halt removal of the CMU and Acute Medical services also under threat, the towns people have categorically stated the Scarborough NHS Trust should be building up the services at Bridlington a hospital which celebrates been open 20 years this year. There as been very little investment in this modern Bridlington hospital which is clean and sustainable given the right infrastructure and cash investment. The CMU had to be closed recently because there were not enough staff to run it, it re-opened later that day when staff were found. Staff are leaving the CMU because the Scarborough Trust are not recruiting at present and the uncertainty which as been placed on the CMU makes there job prospects insecure, we believe this is un-called-for and the Trust should do more to retain the existing staff because if staff leave it will mean the Trust can then say "we have to close the Unit through Health & Safety issue", a ploy used by the Trust on many occasions, just take a look at the Minor Injuries Unit that closed some 17 months ago because staff were in short demand, the Trust did not advertise to replace staff leaving on maternity leave, hence "Health & Safety" we will have to close the MINOR INJURIES UNIT....AND THEY DID JUST THAT. Question: How did czar Prof Sir George Alberti get involved who asked him to come and review the Bridlington Hospitals CMU & Acute Services? He has made 2 visits one in May 2007 and one in July 07 yet when the Trust were asked for a copy of the findings we were told there is NO report? Please Note: The Save Bridlington Hospital Campaign Action Group's chairman Mick Pilling says the Trust do not like to be challenged but lets not forget who pays there wages, YES the public reflected in tax..........the NHS belongs to the people and the Trust are employed by the people so we say to the Trust listen to what the people of Bridlington & surrounding areas want. LEAVE THE CARDIAC UNIT WHERE IT IS, GET THE MESSAGE!!! The support the Campaign as gathered is overwhelming the whole town is taking part in the Petition, this includes MP's, 63 Councillors from Bridlington & Beverley Town Councils who have given the Scarborough NHS Trust a VOTE of NO CONFIDENCE, 5 Doctors surgeries in Bridlington involving 20+ Dr's, Shops, Stores, Businesses, Factories, Cafes, Hotels & Guesthouses. Are the Scarborough NHS Trust telling me all these people and residents of Bridlington & surrounding areas with there beliefs are wrong and not to worry if you have a Heart Attack, please Scarborough NHS Trust Don't Play God......... | |