Campaigners fighting to Save Services at Bridlington Hospital are organising a Second Protest March.

Mick Pilling, chairman of the Save Bridlington Hospital Action Group , has set a date for a march and rally to protest against the planned removal of the hospital's cardiac monitoring unit.

The plans are part of a raft of proposals drawn up by Scarborough and North East Yorkshire Healthcare Trust, which manages the hospital.

A previous march saw more than 2,000 people turn out to show their objection to the plans.

Mr Pilling today asked residents to attend the march on Saturday, July 26, in their thousands to show their opposition to the plans.


He said: “This is the last chance for people to save the unit. About eight weeks after the march, the trust are due to pull the plug on it, so it is crucial people turn out.

“This needs support from across the East Riding because, if we lose the unit, people could end up going as far away as Middlesbrough for treatment.”

Residents, union officials and health watchdogs have all criticised the decision to remove the service from the town.

The march is being supported by union representatives from Unite.

People will meet at Morrisons supermarket in Bessingby Way at 10am and walk to Bridlington Hospital, where a rally will be held.

Anyone who is willing to help publicise the event should call Mr Pilling on (01262) 671926 or e-mail [email protected]
