Save Bridlington Hospital Campaign - WE NEED YOU HELP PLEASE! PLEASE! PLEASE!

We have started distributing our Leaflets in and around Bridlington & surrounding areas RE: THE MARCH

We need people to HELP with distributing of the Leaflets door to door; people from all walks of life, needed in Bridlington, Driffield, Hornsea, Skipsea, Beverley, Filey & Scarborough; everyone is welcome,  we need to fight for our NHS Services.

Contact Mick Pilling Tel: 01262 671926 - E-mail [email protected] you can give out my details

Ring Mick state how many Leaflets and we will post them out to you or send a, SAE

Under threat: Cardiac Monitoring Unit, Acute Medical services, Maternity & Minor Injuries Unit to reopen at night these services affect everyone in this region.   

Protest-March-Rally Saturday 26th July 2008 starting @ 10.00am from Bridlington Business Centre and Marching to the Bridlington Hospital.

Those who cannot March are asked to meet at the hospital

Come along enjoy the March, meet people, there are 120 Bags of Sweets & Crisps for the Children.

There is Strength in Numbers...Stand up and be counted, fight for the future of Bridlington hospital.  Once services are gone there gone for ever

Kindest regards Mick Pilling Chairman


Leading the way for a fairer NHS for all
