"We Need Your Help" read my story? | |
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Dear Readers of the Bridlington Free Press - "We Need Your Help" It is with regret residents of Bridlington and Surrounding areas that I have to inform you that the services at Bridlington & District Hospital have all been removed, yes removed to Scarborough; we have now over the last few years lost; 24/7 Minor Injuries Unit and Nurse Practitioners, Waters ward (Mental health), Maternity Services, The Cardiac Monitoring Unit and recently all Acute medical services and emergencies, along with these services went some very highly trained personnel, Dr Memon, Dr Pond & the dedicated CMU team who saved many lives of Bridlington residents. Also what will happen to all the donated equipment bought by the Town and the friends of Bridlington Hospital who have worked so hard to make patients lives better. The Save Bridlington Hospital Action Group will continue with its campaign for better NHS services and to monitor patients progress whilst they are taken to Scarborough A&E, It's Website: www.savebridlingtonhospital.co.uk will always be available to inform the people of Bridlington, residents and visitors of health issues and the progress of Bridlington Hospital services. What we ask now from the Residents of Bridlington & surrounding areas, help us to help you; what can you do you ask? Inform our group or the Bridlington Free Press of your horror or kind stories that we may help others or help fight your corner; how long were you in A&E at Scarborough; was a bed available; how were you treated; how did you get back home; did you get an Ambulance on time; were did the Ambulance come from, your stories will help our Campaign. We must not lay down, the fight must go on Bridlington Hospital was never built with the intention of its services to be removed, it was built for the future of the Towns residents and visitor. I Mick Pilling and my group will continue to fight on alongside with the Bridlington Free Press, the Rt. Hon. Greg Knight MP, the Town's Councillors and other groups; please believe all is not lost we still have a fight in us, don't we! Remember; keep me informed of your health issues.... Phone or write to me anytime, always here to help If you need a Solicitor to fight your case we have one at the ready, Free Advice, No Fee, No Win.
Sincere and kindest regards Mick Pilling
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