IT WAS exactly 20 years today when Bridlington Hospital opened its doors – and it has seen many changes in those two decades.

Staff raised glasses and cut a cake at the 20th anniversary party to celebrate the milestone.

Among the guests at the party were employees who have worked there for the two decades, who have witnessed many changes over the years.

The hospital has had a chequered history, with controversial cutbacks in services, including the relocation of the cardiac monitoring unit and emergency admissions to Scarborough Hospital.

Back in October, a review by the Audit Commission showed Scarborough and North East Yorkshire Healthcare Trust, which manages Bridlington Hospital, was one of 20 trusts in England to fail across five key financial areas.

But staff have said the hospital is now on the up and a number of new services have been introduced.

These include a 12-station dialysis unit, stroke and orthopaedic in-patient rehabilitation service and new consultant clinics.

There have also been several developments in the hospital's surgery and theatre services.

The hospital also had its first mobile CT scanner delivered on the day of its anniversary.

Philippa Dyer, sister of the Thornton ward, said: "I've seen plenty of changes since 1989 – some for the worse and some for the better.

"But we have taken huge steps forward in developing a range of new services that are bringing some tremendous benefits to the people of Bridlington."

The Bessingby Road hospital has 80 beds and employs 326 staff. It was opened in 1989 by the Duchess of Gloucester, after the closure of five hospitals in the region.

Ernest Howard, principal pharmacist, moved to Bridlington from East Riding General Hospital in Driffield.
Mr Howard, 57, of Driffield, said: "East Riding was an old war-time hospital made of wood.

"All the buildings of the hospitals in the region were outdated – a modern facility like Bridlington was much-needed.
"There have been cutbacks, but now the trust is working really hard at improving services and the hospital is definitely on the up."
